Pillar 2: Industrial Leadership
The goal of the Industrial Leadership Pillar is to make Europe a more attractive location to invest in research and innovation, by promoting activities where businesses set the agenda. This pillar aims at speeding up development of the technologies and innovation of tomorrow’s businesses helping innovative European SMEs to grow into world leading companies. Calls for proposals of this pillar necessarily require the industry participation and its lead role in the carrying out of the activities. It has three objectives:
Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies
This programme provides dedicated support for research, development and demonstration and, where appropriate, for standardisation and certification, on the following priorities: information and communications technology (ICT); nanotechnology, advanced materials, biotechnology, advanced manufacturing and processing; space. These priorities (ICT + Space + NMPB) have been labelled as KETs – Key Enabling Technologies: technological levers capable to unlock innovation in the European industrial sector.
Access to risk finance aims at overcoming deficits in the availability of debt and equity finance for R&D and innovation-driven companies and projects at all stages of development.
Innovation in SMEs provides SME-tailored support to stimulate all forms of innovation in SMEs, targeting those with the potential to grow and internationalise across the single market and beyond.
Contacts @Unipd
If you are a researcher wishing to apply for a LEIT call for proposals, please contact our Collaborative Grants Unit.
Relevant links
Go to LEIT EU website for more information on the available calls.
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tel. +39 049.827 1947 / 1948 / 1945
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