Winter Schools
The University of Padua, in view of promoting internationalisation, supports the organisation of International Winter Schools and intensive learning courses, other than promoting similar opportunities organised by its partners.
International Winter School The 4 Ms - Meta-research, Measurement, Multi-lab, and Multiverse data analysis in Behavioral Sciences
The Winter School is designed in response to the ongoing debates about methodological challenges in behavioral sciences, which have significant implications for theory, measurement, and data analysis. Our goal is to introduce participants to the most recent advancements in meta-research, equipping them with both theoretical insights and practical tools to address these challenges and conduct methodologically rigorous research. Moreover, we aim to enhance participants’ collaborative networks by encouraging discussions of their ongoing research projects with both teachers and peers to establish new collaborations with international institutions and scholars, and to promptly apply the presented tools to their current research
The Winter School is based at the University of Padua, and is co-organized by four of its departiments: the Department of General Psychology, the Department of Social and Developmental Psychology, the Department of Statistical Sciences, and the Department of Neuroscience
Periodo: Monday 17th to Friday 21st of February 2025
Destinatari: dottorande e dottorandi, giovani ricercatrici e ricercatori
Tassa iscrizione: 350€
Modalità di svolgimento: In presenza a Padova
Info: https://winterschool4ms.dpg.unipd.it/
Contatti: winterschool.dpg@unipd.it
Comparative Studies in Adult Education and Lifelong Learning
Since 2014, the Adult Education Academy (AEA) takes place at the University of Würzburg in Bavaria, Germany, in the first two weeks of February. The AEA promotes international networks in adult education and lifelong learning, aiming to foster a connection between academic learning and the field of adult education. During the intensive programme of two weeks, analytical and comparative skills in adult education are being trained in an international environment. An understanding of internationally relevant educational policies in the context of lifelong learning is provided, while communication, teambuilding skills and critical thinking are strengthened by working together in this international setting.
Target groups
Master’s and doctoral students in adult education, as well as colleagues from the field of adult education and lifelong learning (hereafter “practitioners”) are invited to join the Adult Education Academy in Würzburg. Practitioners should have experiences in adult education (e.g. teaching, programme planning, management in institutions of adult education associations). As a minimum requirement, all participants should hold a bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) in a subject related to adult and lifelong learning.
The Adult Education Academy is divided into an (1) online preparatory phase, (2) a two-week intensive programme featuring (2.1) the first week 2-8 February 2025 & (2.2) the second week from 09-14 February 2025 in a hybrid mode (3) and an optional follow-up. The two-week intensive programme will be organised online and on campus in Würzburg.
When: 03/02/2025 - 15/02/2025
Who: Master students, PhDs, young Researchers
Credits: 6
Fee: No
Where: Wuerzburg
Info: https://www.paedagogik.uni-wuerzburg.de/lifelonglearning/
Contacts: giulia.crivellari@unipd.it
Fascial Anatomy
The school provides a global view of the fasciae and a deep understanding of all the anatomical aspects related to them. The fascia forms a three dimensional intracellular matrix of support, continuity and communication for the whole body. The world of fascia is a fascinating world and the more it is studied, the more extraordinary its properties appear both in terms of structural, biomechanical, communicative, and immune functions. The event focuses on fascial anatomy with a global vision and interdisciplinary approach with lectures and fascia dissection sessions.
When: 17/02/2025 - 21/02/2025
Who: Master students, PhDs, young Researchers, Professionals
Fee: 1250€
Where: Padova
Info: https://www.neuroscienze.unipd.it/didattica/winter-school
Contacts: events.dns@unipd.it
International Winter School in Cardiovascular Medicine
The Winter School in Cardiovascular Medicine was originally conceived as an event within the PhD Program Arterial Hypertension and Vascular Biology (ARHYVAB), but it has become an annual event open not only to the PhD students, but also to the post docs, students, and all investigators interested in the cardiovascular research. The speakers are world-class investigators who kindly accept to present their innovative views on Arterial Hypertension and related topics in a true international and interdisciplinary environment.
When: 03/03/2025 - 07/03/2025
Who: Master students, PhDs, young Researchers, Medical trainees, Professionals
Fee: 200€
Where: Brixen
Info: teresamaria.seccia@unipd.it
Contacts: teresamaria.seccia@unipd.it