Innovative student projects aimed at improving teaching

Open Call for Innovative Projects

Dedicated to improving the quality of teaching and enhancing educational experiences, the University of Padua opens a call for projects through the innovative insights given by the student community. The aim is to bring attention to the content and or methods of implementation and participation of educational activities through innovation as outlined in the proposals for Innovative Projects aimed at the student community of the University of Padua.

A Commission will evaluate the proposals based on the clarity of actions, resources, impact, expected short and long term results, student involvement, and external collaborations. The call includes the development of innovative teaching experience using new forms of technology that favour the learning process.
Rules and regulation for the financing of cultural and free time initiatives proposed by students, innovative projects and teaching improvement projects

Deadline for submitting projects: 12 December 2024

For more information:

Ufficio Offerta formativa 

Settore Assicurazione della qualità e didattica innovativa

Tel.  049 827 6316 - 1246

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