Contact teachers and tutors
The Student Services Office has organized a section of university tutors entirely dedicated to coordinating academic activities and supporting administrative/bureaucratic practices within the prison environment.
Other resources are chosen to serve as academic tutors, fully dedicated to assisting with study activities and educational support, and are recruited throughout the year based on emerging needs.
The task of coordinating and organizing all activities related to the "University in Prison" Project falls to a working group appointed annually by decree of the Rector, currently coordinated by Francesca Vianello, supported by the coordination tutors.
The working group is also composed of representatives for the individual disciplinary areas, who for the current academic year are:
University Language Center
Federica Tonellotto
Scuola di Agraria e Medicina Veterinaria
Faculty representative: Lorenzo Favaro
Academic tutors: Francesco Salmaso, Roberta Blanda, Aura Cencini, Claudia Manfré
Scuola di Giurisprudenza
Faculty representative: Silvia Signorato
Academic tutors: Francesca De Panni, Giorgia D'Alvise, Elena Favaro
Scuola di Ingegneria
Faculty representative: Silvia Monica Lenzi
Academic tutors: Stefano Mingoni, Sara Poletto
Scuola di Economia e Scienze politiche
Faculty representative: Matteo Bassoli
Academic tutors: Matteo Giusti, Anna Minotti
Scuola di Psicologia
Academic tutors: Paolo Albiero
Scuola Scienze umane, sociali e del patrimonio culturale
Faculty representativei: Jacopo Turchetto, Alessandra Cesaro
Academic tutors: Serena Ralza, Giacomo Minelle, Denis Roiu, Giulia Fornea, Sara Ronzoni, Giulia Giacomoni
The working group also includes external members composed of faculty: Mariapia Saccomani, Armando Campana, Giuseppe Mosconi
The working group is supported by: Alessandra Biscaro and Dafne Satta from the Student Services Office, Daniele Marino from the Information and Telematic Services Area, Luca Gazzola from the Centre for Human Rights “Antonio Papisca”, and Jada Pontello from the Rector and prorectors secretariat office
Ufficio Servizi agli studenti - Tutorato
via Portello 19, 35129 Padova
tel. 049 827 5044 - 5019