External cooperation and support
Thanks to the financial contribution allocated to the project by the Fondazione della Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo and the support provided by the Gruppo Operatori Volontari Carcerari(Prison Volunteer Workers Group), university tuition fees were covered for inmates without means and economic support was ensured for the procurement of the necessary teaching materials (books, workstations, computer equipment);
Free to study with the university in prison
The Gruppo Operatori Volontari Carcerari provides crucial support by guaranteeing the presence of volunteer teachers who, liaising with the tutors, organise ad hoc training courses and study support activities.
More information can be found at http://ocv.padova.it/
Ufficio Servizi agli studenti - Tutorato
via Portello 19, 35129 Padova
tel. 049 827 5044 - 5019