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Paola Molino (1981) is Associate Professor of Early Modern History at the University of Padua and Coordinator of the Mobility Studies Programme:

She holds a PhD in History and Civilisation from the European University Institute. In 2011 she defended her dissertation on the founding of the Imperial Library in Vienna, which was published as a book in 2017 as "L'Impero di carta. Storia di una biblioteca e di un bibliotecario (1575-1608). In 2011 she obtained the degree of librarian from the Vatican School of Library Science.
From 2011 to 2014 she was a post-doctoral researcher in Vienna, in the framework of the project "Die Fuggerzeitungen, ein frühneuzeitliches Informationssystem und sein Index" (The Fugger Newspapers, an Early Modern Information System and its Index), led by Prof. Katrin Keller and based at the Institute for Austrian Historical Research and the Austrian National Library, see more at The project resulted in a dataset of newspapers and a book comparing the informative systems of the Italian states and the Holy Roman Empire, focusing on the different structures, geographies and contents of the circulars in German and Italian. In order to carry out this research in Italy, she was awarded a scholarship from the Austrian Academy of Sciences at the Austrian Historical Institute in Rome, where she worked until 2015. The book resulting from this research was published - also in open access - in November 2015 under the title "Die Fuggerzeitungen im Kontext. Zeitungssammlungen im Alten Reich und in Italien" (Vienna, Böhlau, 2015) co-authored with Katrin Keller.
In summer 2012 she was a short-term postdoc at the Max Plank Institute for the History of Science in Berlin in the project "The Learned Practices of Canonical Texts: A Cross-Cultural Comparison" organised by Profss. A. Grafton and G. Most. The aim of the project was to write a global history of textual practices from antiquity to the early modern period, from Europe to India and China. The book was published by Cambridge University Press in 2016 under the title 'Canonical Texts and Scholarly Practices: A Global Comparative Approach". She contributes to this collective work with a chapter on "World Bibliographies: Libraries and the Reorganisation of Knowledge in Late Renaissance Europe".
From July 2015 to February 2017, she was an Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Early Modern History of the LMU in Munich. Here, she conducted a project on the structure and function of early modern European library catalogues, with the aim of attempting a coherent history of bibliography in Europe and beyond in the period 1570-1650. In order to maintain a balance between the local and the global, she started a research project on library catalogues in a trans-regional perspective. To organise a first 'explorative workshop' on this topic, she received a grant from the Forum Transregional Studies in Berlin in November 2015. The workshop was held in October 2016.
In 2017 she has been appointed Assistant Professor of Early Modern History at the University of Padua through the Rita Levi Montalcini Programme. Since 2020 she has been promoted to Associate Professor at the same University. 2021-2023 she served the Department as Erasmus Coordinator and Dep. Delegate for International Relations. She is currently coordinating the MA in Mobility Studies.


During the first term 2024-2025 I will teach two classes: Archives and Libraries on the move (Thursdays and Fridays 10.30-12.30 in Aula Sto2 Palazzo Luzzato Dina, Ala nord) and Storia dell' Europa moderna (Thursdays and Fridays, 16.30-18.30 Aula Sto2, Palazzo Luzzato Dina, Ala Sud).
During the second term 2025 I teach the class Storia Moderna e Contemporanea.
Please register on moodle in order to be updated for these classes!

I meet students every Wednesday from 16.00 to 19.00 in my office, in Palazzo Luzzato Dina, Ala nord, office 035. It is also possible to set up a zoom meeting.

Please, register in advance for my office hours at the following link

Please do not change any information or sign up on the google sheet after 9.30 am on the morning you plan to attend the office hour. If you need to change your time or day and want to cancel the meeting, please email me.

My virtual zoom-office is at this link
Meeting ID: 927 7025 7426

Orari di ricevimento

  • Il Mercoledi' dalle 16:00 alle 19:00
    presso Palazzo Luzzato Dina, Via del Vescovado nr. 30, Ala Nord, piano secondo, ufficio 035 (oppure, su richiesta via mail, via zoom)
    Please register here for the office hours For the on-line office hours, the zook link is the following Meeting ID: 927 7025 7426



Selected publications (for a complete list see


Die Fuggerzeitungen im Kontext. Zeitungssammlungen im Alten Reich und in Italien" Wien, Böhlau, 2015 (co-authored with Katrin Keller: Introduction and conclusion (co-authored), Chapter 1-2 Katrin Keller, chapters 3-4 Paola Molino).

Reviewed in:
A. Wuergel:Sehepunkte 16 (2016), Nr. 7/8, 15.07.2016
H. Böning: HistLit 2016-3-059: H-Soz-Kult, 21.07.2016
F. Schick: Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung, 44/2017

L’Impero di carta. Storia di una biblioteca e di un bibliotecario. Vienna 1575-1608, Roma, Viella, 2017.
Reviewd in
ARO, 2018/2 by M.Scandola
RENAISSANCE QUARTERLY, 72/2019-1 by M.A Panzanelli Fratoni
Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken 26/2020 by Alexander Koller

Edited books and special issues:

Libertas. Tra religione, politica e saperi, ed. by Dennj Solera, Andrea Caracausi, Paola Molino, Donzelli, 2022

The Cultures of Vigilance. Historicizing the Role of Private Attention in Society, special issue of “Storia della Storiografia-Histoire de l’Historiographie-History of Historiography-Geschichte der Geschichtsschreibung” 74/2 (2018), edited by Arndt Brendecke and Paola Molino.


Una biblioteca trans-imperiale: reti diplomatiche e libri orientali a Vienna prima e dopo la Langer Türkenkrieg, in "La Bibliofilia" CXXV (2023), pp. 79-105 (con Chiara Petrolini)

Culture a stampa, culture scritte, in Lessico di Storia culturale, a cura di Alberto Mario Banti - Vinzia Fiorino - Carlotta Sorba, Roma, Laterza, 2023, pp. 39-57

Libro, in Il Lessico della modernità. Continuità e mutamenti dal XVI al XVIII secolo, a cura di Simonetta Bassi, Elisa Fantechi, Roma, Carocci, 2023, pp. 596-605

News on the Road. The Mobility of Handwritten Newsletters in Early Modern Europe, in Connected Mobilities in the Early Modern World. The Practice and Experience of Movement, ed. by R. Salzberg and P. Nelles, AUP, 2023.

Beyond the Language Divide. The Endless Chain of the News between Italian «Avvisi» and German «Zeitungen, in “Annali dell'Istituto storico italo-germanico in Trento” 2 (2019), pp. 107-128

“And if the librarian notices anything, he has to report it”. Library Vigilance after the Printing Revolution, “Storia della Storiografia-Histoire de l’Historiographie-History of Historiography-Geschichte der Geschichtsschreibung” 74/2 (2018), pp. 51-75

Connected news: Geschriebene Zeitungen and Italian Avvisi in the Fugger collection (1568-1604), in « Media History » 2016, DOI:10.1080/13688804.2016.1235484

World Bibliographies: Libraries and the reorganization of knowledge in late Renaissance Europe, in Canonical Texts and Scholarly Practices: A Global Comparative Approach, ed. By Anthony Grafton and Glenn Most, Cambridge University Press, 2016, pp. 299-322.

Intorno all’Alcorano di Macometto di Pier Mattia Tommasino, « Storica » (58) 2014, pp. 85-122 (co-authored with Giuseppe Marcocci, Vincenzo Lavenia, Paolo Procaccioli)

Il mestiere dei libri nel tardo Rinascimento, “”, 2/2013, pp. 23-79.

Farsi spazio: riflessioni sulla costruzione della biblioteca imperiale di Vienna alla fine del XVI secolo, “Quaderni Storici” 1/2013, pp. 117-140.

Alle origini della Methodus Apodemica di Theodor Zwinger: la collaborazione di Hugo Blotius, fra empirismo ed universalismo, in “Codices Manuscripti, Zeitschrift für Handschifritenkunde” 56/57 (2006), pp. 43-67.

Area di ricerca

Early modern History
Entangled and connected history
History of knowledge
History of the books libraries (16th and the 18th centuries)
History of the news and history of information

Tesi proposte

Per gli studenti e le studentesse di Scienze della Formazione Primaria a ciclo unico: accetto di seguire le tesi di studentesse e studenti che hanno già frequentato il mio corso di storia moderna e contemporanea e il corso di didattica della storia e desiderano approfondire nell'elaborato finale tematiche storiche, sia volte all'insegnamento della storia nella scuola primaria e dell'infanzia, attraverso progetti curriculari ed extra-curriculari, sia come riflessione di carattere generale. In particolare sui seguenti temi:
-Storia della comunicazione (manoscritto, stampa, internet)
-Storia del sapere
-Globalizzazione e connessioni globali nella storia
-Genere e cultura scritta
- Storia delle informazioni
-Le migrazioni e la mobilita'nella storia

Per gli studenti e le studentesse del Corso di Laurea in Scienze Storiche:

Seguo volentieri tesi che affrontino i temi della
- Storia del libro e delle culture scritte
- Storia dei saperi e delle pratiche intellettuali (reti, spazi, comunità erudite)
- Biblioteche, archivi e culture manoscritte
- Storia dell' Europa nella prima eta' moderna e il rapporto con il resto del mondo

For students of the MA Mobility studies. I can supervise MAthesis on:
- Archives and Libraries in history and through history
- History of cataloguing and knowledge organization
- The mobility of the book and of the media
- Libraries, archives and digitalization
- Media and communication in history (early modern time)
- History of knowledge (networks, spaces, actors)