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Personale Strutture


Studioso senior



Non assegnato



Laureato in psicologia, Università di Padova, 1975

Università di Padova: Professore associato dal 1978 al 1985
Università di Udine: Professore straordinario dal 1985 al 1989
Università di Padova: Professore ordinario dal 1989 ad oggi

Association for Psychological Science
International Society for Psychophysics
Optical Society of America

Fullbright Researcher:
Department of Psychology
Qeens College
New York, USA, 1980

Visiting Professor:
Department of Psychology
University of Oregon,
Oregon, USA, 1986

Visiting Professor:
Perceptual Laboratories
Keio University
Yokohama, Japan, 1988


Orari di ricevimento

  • Il Martedi' dalle 16:00 alle 18:00
    presso DPG, v. Venezia, 8 - Piano 6, Stanza 17


MASIN, S. C., & BRANCACCIO, A. (2017). Judgments of differences and ratios of subjective heaviness. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 79, 1860−1869.

MASIN, S. C. (2016). The cognitive and perceptual laws of the inclined plane. American Journal of Psychology, 129, 221-234.

MASIN, S. C., CRIVELLARO, F., & VAROTTO, D. (2014). The intuitive physics of the equilibrium of the lever and of the hydraulic pressures: Implications for the teaching of elementary physics. Psicológica, 35, 441-461.

MASIN, S. C. (2014). Test of the ratio judgment hypothesis. Journal of General Psychology, 141, 130-150.

MASIN, S. C. (2013). On the ability to directly evaluate sensory ratios. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 75, 194-204.

MASIN, S. C. (2012). Grouping by achromatic color and surface segregation. Psychological Research, 76, 1-7.

MASIN, S. C. (2011). Information integration study of Metelli’s and Morinaga’s theories of achromatic transparency. Japanese Psychological Research, 53, 271-280.

MASIN, S. C., & BUSETTO, M. (2010). Tests of rating models. Psicológica, 31, 509-527.

MASIN, S. C., ZUDINI, V., & ANTONELLI, M. (2009). Early alternative derivations of Fechner’s law. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 45, 56-65.

MASIN, S. C., & TOFFALINI, E. (2009). On the bisection operation. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 71, 1566-1663.

MASIN, S. C. (2007). The judgment operation of ratio production. Perception & Psychophysics, 69, 1-8.

MASIN, S. C. (2006). Test of models of achromatic transparency. Perception, 35, 1611-1624.

Area di ricerca

Misurazione mentale.
Teoria della integrazione delle informazioni.

Tesi proposte

Sono accettate tutte le domande di tesi fino ad esaurimento della quota di competenza anche se le tesi riguardano argomenti non compresi fra quelli delle aree di ricerca del docente.