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Personale Strutture


Studioso senior



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Bolzan Mario. Degree in Statistics in 1975 from the Faculty of Statistical Sciences at the University of Padua. In 1983 he was a researcher on Medical Statistics in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Padua. In the period 1992 to 1998 he was an associate professor at the Faculty of Medicine at the University Federico II Naples. Since 1998 associate professor and from 2006 a full professor in Social Statistics in the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Padua. He worked and collaborated, also as a local coordinator, in national and international research group, on topics in health and social area of research. Member of the Italian Society of Statistics, SIS, International Association of Survey Statisticians, and other national and international associations of statisticians concerning the area of social health area.
He published more than one hundred and fifty papers and articles in national and international reviews, books and presented in selected meetings. H’s editor in Italian and international journals. The works are about the following subjects. A)analysis on access of primary health services of italian families and their health status; b)clinical trial analysis and laboratory data; c) statistical analysis for the measurement of bias on epidemiological studies; d) statistical analysis on the process of decision-making in Public Administration; e) indicator and multidimensionale statistical analysis and fuzzy analysis of the behaviour, life style and health status of young people; f) the evaluation of professional profiles, competences and performances of managers in Public Administration; g) advantages and applications of the NonParametric Combination (NPC) multivariate testing method for ranking index in health and political studies; h) statistical aspects in Qualitative Methods to study Italian Family in future(Delphi technique)