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Università degli studi Padova
Sibilla Siano has received her PhD in Linguistic, Philological and Literary Sciences from the University of Padua with a research project investigating the emergence of a sense of national identity in the Auchinleck Manuscript (Edinburgh, NLS, Adv. 19.2.1). She completed her BA and MA in Foreign Languages, Cultures and Literature also at the University of Padua. Her undergraduate dissertation focused on the role of historical sources in Shakespeare’s Henry V, whereas her MA final dissertation focused on a possible transition from romantic to mimetic fiction within the fourteenth-century Middle English poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. She is currently working on the role of translation in the Auchinleck Manuscript, with particular attention to biblical quotations. She is also currently cooperating with Prof Omar Khalaf on a scholarly digital edition of the Middle English Speculum Guy of Warwick. Her research interests include the relationship between image and text in medieval manuscripts, the role of music in the description of banquet scenes in Middle English romances, the use of political propaganda in the Anglo-Scottish wars, the advice to princes tradition between Scotland and England in the later Middle Ages.