Servizio momentaneamente sospeso per manutenzione.


Personale Strutture


Professoressa Associata





1983-1988 Laurea in lingue e letterature straniere moderne, Università di Padova
1989-90 Anno di studi post-laurea presso Università di California, Berkeley, Dipartimento di linguistica
1992-94 Master in linguistica, Università della California, Berkeley
1994-97 Dottorato di ricerca in linguistica, Università di Padova
2000-2002 Post-dottorato in linguistica, Università di Padova
1995-1998 e 2004 Dottorato di ricerca in linguistica, Università della California, Berkeley

1989-90 Borsa di studio "Education Abroad Program", Università della California
1992-1994 Borsa di studio dell’Università di Padova per corsi di perfezionamento post-laurea all’estero
2000 Vincita assegno di ricerca, Dipartimento di Linguistica, Università di Padova

1992-1995 Assistente all’insegnamento, Dipartimento di Linguistica, Università della California, Berkeley
1996-1998 Assistente all’insegnamento, Dipartimento di Italianistica, Università della California, Berkeley
2000-2003 Docente di lingua italiana, Centro Studi, Università della California, Padova
1999, 2000, 2006 Affidamento di “Linguistica: Semantica e lessicologia”, Facoltà di Medicina e chirurgia, Università di Padova
2008-2009 Affidamento di “Linguistica: Pragmatica” Facoltà Di medicina e chirurgia, Università di Padova
2002-2009 Associata di Lingua inglese, Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione, Università di Padova.
2009-2012 Associata di Lingua inglese, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Università di Padova.
dal 2012 Associata di Lingua inglese, Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Letterari, Università di Padova
dal 2015: Affidamento di "Pragmatica", Corso di laurea magistrale in linguistica

2014-17: Membro del collegio di dottorato in Scienze linguistiche, filologiche e letterarie
2014: abilitata alla prima fascia

Pragmatica, linguistica dei corpora, analisi del discorso


Ufficio: Polo Beato Pellegrino (via Vendramini, 13), secondo piano, n. 56; tel. 049-8279773

Per i SEMINARI di PRAGMATICA certifico frequenze e approvo relazioni, ma non attribuisco i crediti di 'Altre attività', per cui bisogna contattare i referenti dei corsi di laurea
Send your email letter from your institutional address (i.e. the domain).

Write in English.

Provide a subject heading for your email letter.

Begin your message with “Dear Professor Gesuato,”.

Provide contextualizing information clarifying your role-relationship with me (e.g. may be you are a first-year graduate student in linguistics or you attended one of my pragmatics seminars, or another professor told you to get in touch with me).

Clearly indicate the reason for writing (e.g. a goal you want to achieve, a difficulty you are facing, a doubt you have...) and what exactly you would like from me.

Include in your message all the information necessary for me to sensibly reply to you without my having to ask for clarifications or extra information first -- your email letter should be complete (don't mistake it for just one in a series of chat messages).

If you need to mention other university lecturers, preface their family name with the appropriate title (e.g. Dr. Smith; Prof. Rossi).

End your message with “Kind regards,” “Best regards,” or “Best,”.

Sign your message with your given name, family name, and student I.D. number.

If this is NOT your first email letter to me, also include any other previous email exchanges below your signature line (so as to fully remember/understand what you are talking about).

Be courteous and formal throughout.

Don’t ask for information that requires a long reply (e.g. "How can I prepare for your course?"); come to my office hours .

Don’t ask for information that requires me to be in my office to be able to answer it (e.g. "Did I make mistakes in the first exercise of my exam paper dated XXXX?"); come to my office hours.

Don’t ask for obvious or unpredictable information (e.g. "Are you going to give an exam in June?; Will you be holding office hours next week?"): something that happens by default needs not be confirmed; yet, no-one knows what the future has in store, and so no-one can be expected to make predictions with certainty.

Don’t ask for permission or arrangements to be made when none is required -- you do not need to be reassured about circumstances that are expected to be valid by default (e.g." Can I come to your office hours tomorrow?").

Don’t ask for information that is already, or that is going to be, available elsewhere (e.g. exam dates will be posted publicly; if they are not, it means they have not been fixed yet; possible changes to office hours are also announced on the web).

Don't ask for information that you can easily retrieve on your own (e.g. "Where is the library?")

Do NOT expect a reply unless you comply with ALL of the above.

Email communication is not instant messaging -- do not expect a prompt reply.

For more details (in Italian), see here:

Orari di ricevimento

  • On February 17, 2025, office hours will NOT be held. My next office hours will be held on Feb. 18, roughly from 9:30am to 11:30am.

  • presso Beato Pellegrino, ufficio 56 Zoom (
    Dal 1° ottobre 2024 terrò ricevimento il lunedì dalle 14:00 alle 15:30 nel mio ufficio. From 1st October 2024, I will be holding office hours on Momday from 2:00pm to 3:30pm in my office.

  • presso Office No. 56, Beato Pellegrino and in Zoom (
    To request an appointment, send and email message suggesting 3 possible times/days.


Pubblicazioni recenti

“Producing and accepting offers: the co-construction of discourse in goal-oriented interaction”, in J. Granich, I. Kecskes (eds.), 7th International Conference on Intercultural Pragmatics and Communication (INPRA) 2016, 10-12 June 2016, University of Split, Book of Abstracts, Split, University of Split, pp. 64-65
“Responding to gratitude in elicited oral interaction. A taxonomy of communicative options”, in Lingue e Linguaggi, 19, pp. 197-220,
“A research-based teaching unit for ESL/EFL students: responses to gratitude”, in K. Bardovi-Harlig, C. Félix-Brasdefer (eds.), Pragmatics & Language Learning, Vol. 14, Honolulu, HI, University of Hawai’i, National Foreign Language Resource Center, pp. 293-322
(with F. Bianchi; eds.), Pragmatic Issues in Specialized Communicative Contexts, Leiden/Boston, Brill, pp. 1-235

“The PhD thesis report: building trust in an emerging genre”, in R. Salvi, J. Turnball (eds.), The Discursive Construal of Trust in the Dynamics of Knowledge Diffusion, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 26-45
“Addressing interpersonal needs in oral interaction: the case of apology responses” in L. Landolfi, E. Federici, F. Cavaliere (eds.) Translational subjects, linguistic encounters: selected papers from the XXVII AIA conference, Vol. II, Napoli: Liguori Editore, pp. 122-133
“Pragmatic perception of communicative acceptability: gut reactions and constructive criticism”, in Liliana Landolfi (ed.) E-Factor: English Education, Empowerment & Emotivation, Series “Linguistica e Linguaggi” vol. 38, Napoli: Liguori Editore, pp. 37-46

“Mixed methods in raising ssociopragmatic awareness: A proposal for combining insights from the teacher's feedback and the interlocutor's point of view”, System, (

(with E. Castello) “Pope Francis’s Laudato si’: A corpus study of environmental and religious discourse”, Lingue e Linguaggi, 29: 121-145
“News fractals: linguistic and discursive properties of BBC news alerts”, in Bonsignori, Gloria Cappelli and Elisa Mattiello (eds.) WORLDS OF WORDS: Complexity, Creativity, and Conventionality in English Language, Literature and Culture, Vol. I, Pisa, Pisa University Press, ISBN 9788833392448, pp. 103-114
“Can you Tell a Move When you Encounter One? Identifying Clues to Communicative Functions”, in Patricia Salazar-Campillo and Victória Codina-Espurz (eds.) Investigating the learning of pragmatics across ages and contexts, Series: Utrecht Studies in Language and Linguistics, vol. 34, Leiden/Boston, Brill Rodopi, ISBN 978-90-04-40969-9, pp. 221-257
(with F. Bianchi) “The adaptation of a novel to filmic needs: thematic focus in the subtitles of two filmic versions of Pride and Prejudice, in Textus 2: 93-109
(with R. Coronato, eds.) “The Literature-Linguistics Interface - Bridging the Gap: Between Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches to Literary Texts”, Umanistica Digitale 6: 1-116
(with E. Castello) “Holding up one’s end of the conversation in spoken English: Lexical backchannels in L2 examination discourse”, International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 5(2): 234–256

Area di ricerca

Pragmatica, analisi del discorso e dei generi, discorso accademico, semantica lessicale, linguistica dei corpora, insegnamento dell'inglese come lingua straniera, atti linguistici, tempo e aspetto

Tesi proposte

presentazione di atti linguistici in grammatiche e manuali per l'insegnamento dell'inglese;

atti linguistici iniziativi e reattivi, orali e scritti

pragmatica variazionista: variazione sociale nell'uso e nella percezione dell'uso della lingua

struttura retorica di generi non letterari

caratterizzazione semantica di termini/espressioni su dati di corpora;

quasi-sinonimi dell'inglese

linguaggio e genere;

analisi linguistica di testi letterari

recupero di informazioni implicite nei testi

la cortesia dei personaggi letterari e filmici

umorismo verbale

linguaggio di generi/registri specifici (p. es. pubblicità, memi)

evitamento linguistico