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Personale Strutture


Professore Ordinario





Laurea in Scienze Statistiche ed Economiche all’Università di Padova e il Dottorato di ricerca all’Università di Bologna.

Svolto attività di ricerca presso le Università di California a San Diego, del Minnesota a St. Paul, alla Michigan State University, alla Boston University, all’Università di Tolosa, Centro LATAPSES-CNRS a Sophia Antipolis e presso la Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences a Uppsala, Svezia.


Orari di ricevimento

  • Su appuntamento per email


Pubblicazionoi recenti

Poli N., Bonaldo C, Moretto M., Guarnieri M. (2024), “Techno-economic assessment of industrial Vanadium Flow Batteries based on experimental data” Applied Energy.
Moretto, M, Parigi B.M. (2023), Competitive Runs on Government Debt,: International Review of Economics and Finance,
D’Alapos C, Moretto M., Rosato P., (2023 ), “Common-property resource exploitation: a real options approach” Land,
Andreolli F, D’Alpaos C, Moretto M, (2022), Valuing Investments in Domestic PV-Battery Systems under
Uncertainty. Energy Economics,
Castellini M, Di Corato L, Moretto M, Vergalli S, (2021), Energy exchange among heterogeneous prosumers under price uncertainty, Energy Economics
Dosi C., Moretto, M., Tamborini, R. (2021), “Balanced-budget fiscal stimuli of investment and welfare value”, German Economic Review. DOI: 10.1515/ger-2020-0059
Buso M, Dosi, C, Moretto M. (2021), “Do Exit Options Increase the Value-For-Money in
Public-Private Partneships?, J Econ Manage Strat. (JEMS), 30, 721-742,DOI: 10.1111/jems.12440
Buso M, Moretto M. Zormpas D. (2021), “Excess returns in Public-Private Partnerships: Do governments pay too much?, Economic Modelling DOI: 10.1016/j.econmod.2021.105586
Castellini, M, Mnoncin F., Moretto M., Vergalli S., (2021) Photovoltaic Smart Grids in the Prosumers Investment Decisions: A Real Option Model, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Carini C., Moretto M., Panteghini P., Vergalli S., (2020), “Deferred taxation under default risk”, Journal of Economics, Vol 129 pp. 33–48, DOI: 10.1007/s00712-019-00671-x
Lucchetta M., Moretto M., Parigi B.M. (2019), “Optimal Bailouts, Bank's Incentive and Risk”, Annals of Finance,
Di Corato, L., Moretto, M. Vergalli, S. (2018), “The effects of uncertain forest conservation benefits on long-rundeforestation in the Brazilian Amazon" , Environment and Development Economics, Vol. 23, n. 4, pp. 413-433.
Bertolini M, D'Alpaos C, Moretto M (2018), “Do Smart Grids Boost Investments in Domestic PV Plants?
Evidence from the Italian Electricity Market, Energy, vol 149, pp. 890-902
Di Corato L., Dosi C., e Moretto M., (2018), “Multidimensional auctions for long-term procurement contracts under the threat of early exit: the case of conservation auctions”, European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 267, Issue 1, 16 May 2018, Pages 368-380
Fontini, F, Millock, K. E Moretto, M. (2017), “Collective Reputation with Stochastic Production and Unknown Willingness to Pay for Quality” Environmental Economics and Policy Studies,
Franceschinis, C., Scarpa, R., Thiene, M., Rose, J., Moretto, M., Cavalli, R. (2017), Adoption of Renewable heating systems: an empirical test of the diffusion of innovation theory, Energy, Vol.125, pp. 313-326

Area di ricerca

Economia e politica ambientale ed energetica
Teoria dei giochi
Ottimizzazione dinamica stocastica
Aste e Procurement
Real Options