Servizio momentaneamente sospeso per manutenzione.
Professore Ordinario
+Ph.D. in Physics (1987), International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA-ISAS), Trieste, Italy
+Master in Physics (1983), International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA-ISAS), Trieste, Italy
+Laurea in Fisica (1981), 110/110 summa cum laude, University of Padua, Italy
Research experience:
+Full Professor of Theoretical Physics, University of Padua (11/2005-now)
+Paid Scientific Associate, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, (10/2014-9/2015, on leave from Padua)
+Paid Scientific Associate, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, (1/2004-12/2004, on leave from Rome)
+Full Professor of Theoretical Physics, University of Rome La Sapienza (11/2000-10/2005)
+Researcher (1988-1993), First Researcher (1993-1998), Director of Researches (1998-2000) in INFN, Sezione di Padova
+Staff Member, Theory Division, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland (1990-1996, on leave from INFN, Padova)
+Postdoctoral Fellow, Theory Division, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland (1989-1990, on leave from INFN, Padova)
+Postdoctoral Fellow, Theory Group of the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and Physics Department of the University of California, Berkeley, USA (1986-1989)
According to the INSPIRE database, I have (co-)authored over 86 publications in the theory and phenomenology of the fundamental interactions, with more than 12000 citations. The list can be found at the link:,fabio
Other activities:
+Vice-Rector for Research, University of Padua (2021-...)
+Member (2015-2020) and Vice-President (2019-2020) of the ERC Scientific Council
+Representative of MIUR in the Executive Board of INFN (2015-2019) and in Steering Committee of ICTP-Trieste (2014-2022)
+Member of Academia Europaea (since 2015) and of its Physics and Engineering Committee (since 2022)
+Member (2007-13) and Chair (2011-3) of the CERN Scientific Policy Committee
+Member of the Board of Directors of Scuola Galileiana (since 2013)
+Scientist in charge of the Padua team of the ERC advanced grant DaMeSyFla (2011-6)
+Member (2012-3) of the National Physics Panel for the Italian Evaluation of the Quality of Research (VQR 2004-10)
+Editor (since 2003) and Assistant Director (2007-8) of JHEP, The Journal of High Energy Physics
+Editor (since 2013) of Nuclear Physics B Proceeding Supplement, now Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings
+Corresponding Member of Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti (since 2005)
+Expert evaluator for The European Commission (FP6, FP7), CIVR-Italy, INFN-Italy, ANR-France, DFG-Germany, SNF-Switzerland.
+Member (since 2002), Secretary (2007-9), Chair (2009-11) of the High Energy Particle Physics (HEPP) Board of the European Physical Society (EPS)
+Divisional Associate Editor of Physical Review Letters (2002-2008)
+Scientific Coordinator of the INFN team of the European Networks "Across the Energy Frontier" (2000-2004), "The Quest for Unification" (2004-2008), "Unification in the LHC Era" (2009-13)
+Member of Plenary ECFA (European Committee for Future Accelerators) (1998-2006)
+Coordinator of the Padua INFN Theory Group and referee for the National Grant Committee of the INFN Theory Group (1997-2000)
+Member of the CERN LEP Experiments Committee (1993-1996)