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Professore Associato

Professore Associato in Geofisica Applicata
Laurea in Geoscienze
Dottore di ricerca in Engineering Geology
- Docente responsabile del corso "Geotermia" e "Energia e sostenibilità nel XXI secolo", Università di Padova (Italia)
- Vice-direttore del Centro di Ricerca sull'Energia "Levi Cases", Università di Padova (Italia)
- Responsabile dei laboratori di Fotografia 3D e di Analisi termiche presso il Dipartimento di Geoscienze dell'Università di Padova
- Direttore del Centro Europeo di Eccellenza in Geotermia - Sezione Sud Europa
- Membro del Consiglio europeo per l'energia geotermica
- Membro del Comitato Direttivo del Panel Geotermico Europeo - Bruxelles
- Membro dell'UGI (Unione Geotermica Italiana)
- Membro della Commissione Termotecnica Nazionale UNI GL608: Norma nazionale sull'impianto geotermico accoppiato a pompa di calore
- Membro del Comitato Scientifico del Centro di Geomatica dell'Università di Padova (Italia)
- Ricercatore associato presso il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Italia, Istituto di Geoscienze e Risorse della Terra - Pisa (Italia)
- Docente al corso di formazione permanente "Progettisti di impianti geotermici" DIPTEM, Università di Genova (Italia)
- Docente invitato al corso "Applicazione dell'esplorazione geofisica alla ricerca delle acque sotterranee" Asmara 02/2006. Stato dell'Eritrea, Ministero del Territorio Acqua e Ambiente (WRD). Nazioni Unite.
- Autore di oltre 200 articoli scientifici pubblicati su riviste nazionali e internazionali.
- Tutor di oltre 50 tesi di laurea triennale e magistrale
- Tutor di oltre 25 assegni di ricerca e borse di di studio
- Tutor di 9 dottorati di ricerca
- Membro del comitato scientifico del PHD in Geoscienze dell'Università di Padova
- Core member del Progetto UE DEEP-U "Deep U-tube heat exchanger breakthrough: combining laser and cryogenics gas for geothermal energy exploitation" 2022 - 2025.
- Co-Coordinatore scientifico del Progetto UE 2018-2023 H2020-LCE-2019-2023 GEO4CIVHIC "Most Easy, Efficient and Low Cost Geothermal Systems for Retrofitting Civil and Historical Buildings", e WP leader dell'Unità dell'Università di Padova WP1 "Barriers& gaps, holistic solution sand modelling for different levels of renovation";
- Co-Coordinatore scientifico del progetto UE 2015-2019 H2020-LCE-2014-2020 CHEAP-GSHPS "Cheap And Efficient Application Of Reliable Ground Source Heat Exchangers And Pumps";
- Responsabile scientifico e partner di vari progetti nazionali (PNRR, PRIN, MISE, MUR)
- Scientific Co-coordinator UE Project 2015-2018 H2020-LCE-2014-2020 CHEAP-GSHPS “Cheap And Efficient Application Of Reliable Ground Source Heat Exchangers And Pumps”; and WP leader of University of Padua Unit WP1 “Geological mapping, climatic data and energy requirements“.
- Scientific Coordinator of the Project FACE 2015-2018 “Rational use of groundwater for the purpose of Air conditioning of buildings: preparation of technical tools and scientific mapping support to the authorities and aim to protection of water resources and its sustainable exploitation”. Founded by Veneto Region (Italy)
- Scientific Coordinator of the Project (2015-2016)-"Definition of the early warning thresholds of the “Busa del Cristo” landslide phenomenon in the municipality of Perarolo di Cadore (Belluno-Italy) ) ", founded by Veneto Region, Dept. of Soil and Forests Defense, Italy.
- Scientific Coordinator of the Padua University Research Project 2014-2016 - prot. CPDA144544, Hydro-mechanical properties variation due to Thermal stress on Clayey materials.
Scientific Coordinator of the Research Project 2014-2015 European founded Project (FSE) Veneto Region (Italy) on the “Seasonal underground thermal energy storage in solar-assisted geothermal plants”.
- Coordinator of Project Working package “Low enthalpy geothermal potential” National Project “Vigor – Evaluation Of Geothermal Potential Of South Italy)” National Research Council – Italian Minister Of Economic Development (2011-2014)
- Scientific Coordinator of the Italian National Research Council Project 2013-2015, founded by Gargano National Natural Park – Italian Ministry of the Environment “Feasibility analyses of a solar assisted geothermal storage system for the National Gargano Park Head office”
- Scientific co-coordinator of the Project Geoterm (2015-2016) “Thermal Energy Storage in Trento province (Italy), voted to map the regional geothermal potential. founded by Energy Agency of Trento province (Italy)
- Partecipant to the Padua University Research Unit PRINProject (Research Program of Relevant National Interest- Italy) 2013-2016. “Dynamics of morphoclimatic Systems in response to global changes and geomorphological risks induced“
- Scientific Coordinator of the Research project 2014 “COGET”: Geo-mechanical properties changes on clay sediments induced by Borehole heat exchangers (BHE) thermal stress. Founded by Venice Province (Italy)
- Scientific Coordinator of the Research project 2013 “GEOTREV”: geothermal uses in the Treviso province”, aim to analyze and map the territorial geothermal potential. founded by Treviso Province. (Italy)
- Coordinator of WP "Laboratory testing" Excellence Project University of Padua-CARIPARO Foundation 2009-2013 "SMILAND" “Study of precursors of landslides in rock by fiber optic system;
- Scientific Coordinator of the Research project 2012 “AGAVE”: Analyses of geotechnical effects related to thermal stress on clay sediments of Venice Lagoon area”. founded by Venice Province. (Italy)
- Scientific Coordinator of the STRIGE Project – Veneto Region – Regional Environmental protection Agency, 2009-2011 “Rational uses of geothermal resourses in Veneto region, ITALY” - Evaluation of regional deep and shallow geothermal assessment and suggest the best uses voted to energy and heat production.
- Scientific Coordinator Research Project 2010-2011 European founded Project (FSE) – Veneto Region “Thermal energy in the Geothermal Euganean Basin – Italy”.
Tesi proposte
Deep closed loop ground heat exchanger for environmental friendly power production
Feasibility of geothermal deep closed loop solutions for power production in volcanic areas
Underground thermal energy storage
Ground thermal energy storage laboratory test on prototype device coupled with numerical modeling, by using PCM, diatomite and thermally enhanced cements
Fiber optic application in order to detect aquifers parameters
Active Fiber optic Systems applied for hydrogeological on-site characterization
Ground thermal properties by neural networks om well-log datasets
Developed a AI method to indirectly evaluation of thermal conductivity and geothermal information by geophysical logs performed on existing Oil and Gas wells
Applications of nondestructive diagnostic techniques for geothermal purposes
Characterization of the thermo-physical-mechanical properties of rock materials by non-destructive methods (i.e. infrared thermocamera, ultrasounds, optical scanner…)
Subsurface urban heat island (SUHI)
Evaluation of Urban heat island
Analyses of atmospheric and anthropogenic thermal footprint dataset in metropolitan and rural areas in order to develop a multi-scale mitigation approach thanks to geothermal ground source heat pump systems exploitation.
Innovative deep geothermal drilling
Thermal effects of laser beam and cryogenic gas on different type of rocks to be analyzed by petrographic and geophysical techniques