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Professoressa Associata

Orari di ricevimento
Il Martedi' dalle 10:00 alle 12:00
presso Edificio "Paolotti", 4 piano, stanza 411
Area di ricerca
Scientific CV:
The nuclear Physic field is heavy ions at ultra relativistic energies. SM is a member of CERN LHC ALICE experiment. SM’s interest is focussed in the Silicon Pixel Detector (SPD) of the Inner Tracking System (ITS) of ALICE.
Currently SM is participating in the upgrade project of ITS. In particular, in the project INFN-ITSupgrade, which is a consortium of all groups participating INFN upgrade of ITS and is part of the ITS. The project INFN-ITSupgrade is focused on the construction of two outer layers of new ITS. This project is following more specifically the part of mechanics and integration of the outermost layers, the responsibility of the INFN of Padova.
Participation on different national and international projects on the field of the Applied Physic, EXPLODET project (EXPLOsive DETection) of INFN for the development of nuclear techniques for the humanitarian demining; EURITRACK project, for the study of a non-intrusive system for the detection of explosives and illicit materials in cargo container. SM’s currently in TAWARA_RTM project. In this project SM is WP leader on the realization of a Real Time monitor for gross alpha and beta measurements. A new project in the call H2020 BES-09, C-BORD, has been approved, and in this project SM has the leadership of the WP related on the Tagged Neutron Inspection System.