Servizio momentaneamente sospeso per manutenzione.
Professore Ordinario
Laurea in Scienze Economiche, Siena;
M. Sc. in Econometrics, LSE;
Ph.D. in Economics, LSE (supervisore: Chris Pissarides).
Lecturer in Economics, UCL, dal 1987 al 1992;
Professore di seconda fascia di Economia Politica, Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia, dal 1993 al 1994;
Professore di prima fascia di Econometria, Università di Padova, dal 1994 ad oggi.
International Research Associate dell’IFS (Londra)
Research Fellow del CEPR (Londra)
Country Team Leader per l’Italia dell’indagine SHARE
Vice- coordinatore SHARE e vice-direttore di SHARE-ERIC; responsabile del contenuto economico del questionario.
Vice-presidente esecutivo, European Economic Association
Direttore del Dipartiemtno di Scienze Economiche e Aziendali "Marco Fanno" dal Luglio 2014
Attività editoriale:
Curatela di "Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe – First Results from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe", 2005, con Axel Börsch-Supan e altri, Mannheim: Mannheim Research Institute for the Economics of Ageing.
Curatela di "Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (2004–2007). Starting the Longitudinal Dimension", Mannheim: Mannheim Research Institute for the Economics of Ageing, 2008 (con Axel Börsch-Supan e altri)
Editorial Board Member di Journal of Pension Economics and Finance
Editorial Board Member di Aging Clinical and Experimental Research
Curatela di "Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations", 2013, Berlin: DeGruyter (con Axel Börsch-Supan, Martina Brandt e Howard Litwin)
Co-editor di “Special EER segment based on SHARE data”, 2013, European Economic Review, 63, 290-308 (con P. Mira).
Orari di ricevimento
Il Martedi' dalle 16:15 alle 17:00
presso Via Bassi 1 - third floor sala colloqui
Personal Finance students can see me after Tuesday's lecture for clarification about the course material.Il Mercoledi' dalle 9:30 alle 10:15
presso Via Bassi 1 - third floor sala colloqui
Advanced Econometrics students can see me before the Wednesday lecture for clarification about course material.Il Martedi' dalle 10:30 alle 12:00
presso Studio docente - Via del Santo 33, primo piano
Il ricevimento si svolge nello studio del docente, Via del Santo 33 primo piano Gli studenti che intendono venire al ricevimento o che vogliono vedere il docente in altro orario sono pregati di inviare un messaggio e-mail il giorno prima. I meet students in my office, Via del Santo 33, first floor. Please let me know in advance by e-mail if you plan to come, or if you wish to see me at another time.
- PERSONAL FINANCE, AA 2024 (EPQ3102283)
- PERSONAL FINANCE, AA 2023 (EPP6077339)
- ECONOMETRIA (Da A a E), AA 2022 (EPP4064636)
- PERSONAL FINANCE, AA 2022 (EPP6077339)
- ECONOMETRIA (Da A a E), AA 2021 (EPP4064636)
- PERSONAL FINANCE, AA 2021 (EPP6077339)
- ECONOMETRIA (Da A a E), AA 2020 (EPP4064636)
- PERSONAL FINANCE, AA 2020 (EPP6077339)
“Consumer Credit: Evidence from Italian Micro Data”, 2005, Journal of the European Economic Association, 3(1), 144-178 (with R. Alessie and S. Hochguertel)
“Are Household Portfolios Efficient? An Analysis Conditional on Housing”, 2008, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 43(2). 401–432 (with L. Pelizzon)
“Changes in Compulsory Schooling, Education and the Distribution of Wages in Europe", 2009, Economic Journal, 119, 516-539 (with G. Brunello and M. Fort)
“Ageing and Unused Capacity in Europe: Is There an Early Retirement Trap?”, 2009, Economic Policy, 59, 463-508 (with V. Angelini and A. Brugiavini)
"The Retirement Consumption Puzzle: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Approach," 2009, American Economic Review, 99(5), 2209-2226 (with E. Battistin, A. Brugiavini, and E. Rettore).
“How Does Consumption Change Upon Retirement?”, 2010, Empirical Economics, 38(2), 257-280. Formerly circulated as “Is There a Retirement Consumption Puzzle in Italy?”, 2003, IFS W03/14.
(with R. Miniaci and C. Monfardini).
“Consumption and Saving: Models of Intertemporal Allocation and Their Implications for Public Policy”, 2010, Journal of Economic Literature, 48, 693-751 (with O. P. Attanasio).
“Home-ownership in Europe: How did it happen?”, 2013, Advances in Life Course Research 18 83–90 (with V. Angelini and Anne Laferrère)
“Life insurance investment and stock market participation in Europe”, 2013, Advances in Life Course Research, 18, 91–106 (with D. Cavapozzi and E. Trevisan)
“Voluntary Private Health Care Insurance Among the Over Fifties: A Comparative Analysis of SHARE Data”, 2013, Health Economics, 22(3) 289–315 (with O. Paccagnella and V. Rebba)
“The Dynamics of Homeownership among the 50+ in Europe”, 2014, Journal of Population Economics, 27(3) 797-823 (with V. Angelini and A. Brugiavini)
“Books Are Forever: Early Life Conditions, Education and Lifetime Income”, 2017, Economic Journal, 127, 271-196. DOI 10.1111/ecoj.12307 (with Giorgio Brunello and Cristoph Weiss)
“Retirement and cognitive decline: A longitudinal analysis using SHARE data”, 2017, Journal of Health Economics, 56, 113-125. DOI:10.1016/j.jhealeco.2017.09.003 (with M. Celidoni and C. Dal Bianco)
“Work, Retirement and Muscle Strength Loss in Old Age”, 2018, Health Economics, 27, 115-128. DOI:10.1002/hec.3517 (with Marco Bertoni and Stefania Maggi)
Area di ricerca
Consumi e risparmio delle famiglie; economia dell'invecchiamento; scelte di portafoglio delle famiglie.
Tesi proposte
Vedi aree di ricerca e sito web del dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Aziendali.