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Lorenzo Forni è un macro-economista con ampia esperienza di politica economica. Ha lavorato dal 2010 al 2016 al Fondo Monetario Internazionale a Washington e precedentemente al Servizio Studi della Banca d’Italia a Roma. Si e’ occupato di vari temi macroeconomici, tra cui il ruolo della politica fiscale, l’impatto del debito pubblico e del debito privato sull’economia, le implicazioni dell’appartenenza all’unione monetaria europea. Ha pubblicato molteplici lavori su riviste internazionali quali l’American Economic Review e il Journal of Public Economics, oltre che capitoli di libri e numerosi working papers. Ha conseguito un Master e un Ph.D. in Economics presso la Boston University nel 2001 ed e’ stato visiting scholar all’Universita’ di Harvard nel 2005-2006.


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    presso Via del Santo, 22, 35123 Padova PD (secondo piano)
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Selected journal publications:

- “Macroeconomic effects of sovereign restructuring in a monetary union: a model-based approach”, with M. Pisani, 2018, Macroeconomic Dynamics, 22, 470–500.

- “Public Employment and Compensation Reform during Times of Fiscal Consolidation”, with N. Novta, International Tax and Public Finance, 2016, 23:960–979.

- “Euro area and global oil shocks: an empirical model-based analysis”, with A. Gerali, A. Notarpietro and M. Pisani, 2015, Journal of Macroeconomics, vol. 46(C), pages 295-314.

- “Fiscal Multipliers: Size, Determinants, and Use in Macroeconomic Projections”, with N. Batini, L. Eyraud, and A. Weber, IMF Technical Notes and Manual, 2014.

- “Pricing of Sovereign Risk: Evidence from Advanced Economies during the Recent Financial Crisis”, with E. Alper and M. Gerard, International Finance, 2013, Vol.16, n. 2.

- “The macroeconomics of fiscal consolidations in Euro area countries”, with A. Gerali e M. Pisani, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2011, Vol.34, Issue 9.

- “Macroeconomic effects of greater competition in the service sector: the case of Italy”, with A. Gerali e M. Pisani, Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2010, Vol. 14.

- "The general equilibrium effects of fiscal policy: estimates for the euro area" with L. Monteforte and L. Sessa, Journal of Public Economics 93, 2009.

- “Inflation Convergence and Divergence within the European Monetary Union”, with F. Busetti, A. Harvey and F. Venditti, International Journal of Central Banking, Vol. 3 n.2, 2007.

- “Social Security as Markov Equilibrium in OLG Models”, Review of Economic Dynamics, Vol. 8 n.1, 2005.

- “Cyclical Sensitivity of Fiscal Policies based on Real Time Data”, with S. Momigliano, Applied Economics Quarterly, Vol. 50 n. 3, 2004.

- “The Mismatch Between Life Insurance Holdings and Financial Vulnerabilities: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study”, with B.D. Bernheim, J. Gokhale and L.J. Kotlikoff, American Economic Review, Vol. 93 n.1, 2003.

- “Funding a PAYG Pension System: The Case of Italy”, with R. Giordano, Fiscal Studies, 2001, Vol. 22 No. 4.

- “Are Markets Learning? Behavior in the Secondary Market for Brady Bonds”, with L. Barbone, The World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series n.1734, February 1997 and International Journal of Finance and Economics, April 2001.

- “How Much Should Americans Be Saving for Retirement?”, with B.D. Bernheim, J. Gokhale and L.J. Kotlikoff, American Economic Review, Vol. 90 n.2, 2000.

Chapters in books:

- “Escaping high debt: the narrow path ahead”, with M. Moreno Badia, in Post-Crisis Fiscal Policy, C. Cottarelli, P. Gerson and A. Senhadji editors, MIT Press, 2014.

- “The crisis and policy response in the Euro area” with M. De Broeck and M. Guerguil, in Post-Crisis Fiscal Policy, C. Cottarelli, P. Gerson and A. Senhadji editors, MIT Press, 2014.

- “An Analysis of Retirement Expectations using the Health and Retirement Study”, in Ricerche Quantitative per la Politica Economica, Bank of Italy, 2003.

- “An Economic Approach to Setting Retirement Saving Goals”, with B.D. Bernheim, J. Gokhale and L.J. Kotlikoff, in Innovation in Retirement Financing, O. Mitchell, Z. Bodie, P.B. Hammond and S. Zeldes editors, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2002.

Area di ricerca

Cicli del debito privato e pubblico, banking crises, ristrutturazioni sovrane, cicli politici e politica fiscale, climate change

Tesi proposte

Seguo tesi su un'ampia gamma di temi macroeconomici: politica fiscale, crisi bancarie, di debito pubblico, di cambio, economie emergenti, ruolo delle aspettative, commercio internazionale. In alcuni casi ho seguito tesi di ambito più macro-finanziario.