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Personale Strutture


Professore Ordinario





Orari di ricevimento

  • presso Ufficio, via Loredan 18
    Si richiede la definizione di un appuntamento via email o telefono

Area di ricerca

As a statistician working in the field of clinical and epidemiological research, I've been involved in a lot of research projects. In clinical research, I'm working since several years in the cardiovascular field and in the hospital infection control. Still some work was also done in oncology, ophthalmology, dentistry and pediatric research. In epidemiological research I'm working on injury prevention, in particular I'm leading the European project "Susy Safe", a registry of choking injuries in children and on obesity and nutrition-related issues.

My statistical interests are currently (i) correlated data modeling, (ii) competing risk (iii) clinical data-mining (iv) statistical models for health economic analysis and (v) risk assessment models.

Tesi proposte

I'm very happy to work with students in research projects. Most of the work done for the thesis with me is publication-oriented.
Students are welcome to contact me for an informal discussion on potential themes for the thesis.