Servizio momentaneamente sospeso per manutenzione.
Professore Associato

Fulvio Baldovin
Nato a Vicenza, 1969.
Sposato, tre figli.
Laurea in fisica: Universita' di Padova, 1997.
Dottorato in fisica: Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (CBPF), Rio de Janeiro, Brasile, 2004.
Impieghi accademici
2017-present: Professore associato presso il Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Universita' di Padova.
2008-2017 Ricercatore universitario presso il Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Universita' di Padova.
2004 Ricercatore visitante presso l'Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM) a Citta' del Messico.
2004-2008 Post-doc presso il Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Universita' di Padova.
Impieghi non-accademici
1999-2000: Volontario in un progetto di cooperazione per le ONG Movimento Laici America Latina, Verona, e Capina (Cooperação e Apoio à Projetos de Inspiração Alternativa), Rio de Janeiro, Brasile.
1997-1998: Presidente della Con Te Cooperativa Sociale, Quinto Vicentino, Vicenza.
1996-1997: Insegnante in scuole superiori: matematica e tecnologia.
1992-1994: Coordinatore del Consorzio di Cooperative Sociali Sol.Co. (Solidarieta' e Cooperazione), Vicenza.
* Scuola di Dottorato di Ricerca in Fisica, Universita' di Padova: Complex response: theory and experiments; Stochastic
processes in statistical mechanics; Stochastic processes and market dynamics.
* Scuola Galileiana dell'Universita' di Padova: Introduction to thermodynamics; Science meccano; Tutore.
* Corsi di laurea triennale, Universita' di Padova: Fisica biologica con complementi di matematica, Fisica 1.
* Supervisione di tesi: 3 tesi di dottorato; 11 tesi di laurea magistrale; 17 tesi di laurea triennale.
Organizzazione di conferenze
* Physics of Complex systems: from Padova to the rest of the world and back III, Padova, 21/12/2016.
* Physics of Complex systems: from Padova to the rest of the world and back III, Padova, 18/12/2014.
* Statistical modeling, financial data analysis and applications, Venice, 11-14/09/2013.
* Physics of Complex systems: from Padova to the rest of the world and back I, Padova, 20/12/2012.
* XII Workshop on Quantitative Finance, Padova, 27-28/01/2010.
Relatore su invito in 15 confrenze internazionali.
2016-Present: Statistics and dynamics on complex networks - PlexNet, INFN project, Italy.
2016–2017: Dynamical behavior of complex systems: From scaling symmetries to economy growth,
Junior Research Project, Physics Department, University of Padova.
2014-2016: Physics of Informative, Ecological, Cognitive and Economic Systems - PIECES, INFN project, Italy.
2010-2013: Anomalous scaling in physics and finance, Excellence project CARIPARO Foundation, Padova, Italy.
2009-2013: Models and Monte Carlo simulations in statistical and quantum mechanics -BO62, INFN project, Italy.
2009-2013: Biological applications of theoretical physics methods -TO61, INFN project, Italy.
Abilitazione scientifica nazionale (ASN): Fisica Teorica delle Interazioni Fondamentali 02/A2 I Fascia.
Interessi di ricerca
* Meccanica statistica di equilibrio e non-equilibrio.
* Processi stocastici.
* Proprieta' topologiche di polimeri e bio-polimeri.
* Fisica della materia attiva.
* Econofisica.
* Sistemi dinamici non-lineari.
Circa 50 pubblicazioni in riviste scientifiche internazionali, con referee.
Referee per circa 20 riviste scientifiche internazionali.
Orari di ricevimento
Il Venerdi' dalle 11:30 alle 12:30
presso Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia - Via Marzolo 8 - St. 109Il Giovedi' dalle 13:00 alle 14:00
presso Sala 1 primo livello Viale Margherita Vicenza
Durante il secondo semestre a.a. 2018/2019.
List of publications
1. F. Baldovin, F. Camana, M. Caraglio, A.L. Stella, M. Zamparo, Aftershock Prediction
for High-Frequency Financial Markets’ Dynamics, In: F. Abergel, B.K. Chakrabarti,
A. Chakraborti, A. Ghosh Eds., Econophysics of Systemic Risk and Network Dy-
namics. (New York, Springer, 2012)
2. P-H. Chavanis, F. Baldovin, E. Orlandini, Noise-induced dynamical phase transitions
in long-range systems Phys. Rev. E 83, 040101(R) (2011)
3. F. Baldovin, P-H. Chavanis, Enzo Orlandini, Long-range interacting systems and
dynamical phase transitions In: Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics Today: Proceed-
ings of the 11th Granada Seminar on Computational and Statistical Physics. AIP
Conference Proceedings 1332, 257 (2011)
4. F. Baldovin, D. Bovina, F. Camana, A.L. Stella, Modeling the non-Markovian, non-
stationary scaling dynamics of financial markets, In: Econophysics of Order-driven
Markets. Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, India (New York, Springer,
5. A.L. Stella, F. Baldovin, Anomalous scaling due to correlations: Limit theorems and
self-similar processes J. Stat. Mech. P02018 (2010)
6. F. Baldovin, P-H. Chavanis, Enzo Orlandini, Microcanonical quasi-stationarity of
long-range interacting systems in contact with a heat bath, Phys. Rev. E 79, 011102
7. A.L. Stella, F. Baldovin, Role of scaling in the statistical modeling of finance, Pra-
mana - Journal of Physics 71, 341 (2008)
8. F. Baldovin and A.L. Stella, Scaling and efficiency determine the irreversible evolu-
tion of a market. Proc. Natl. Accad. Sci. 104, 19741 (2007).
9. F. Baldovin and A.L. Stella, Central limit theorem for anomalous scaling due to
correlations. Phys. Rev. E 75, 020101(R) (2007).
10. F. Baldovin and E. Orlandini, Nos´-Hoover and Langevin thermostats do not repro-
duce the nonequilibrium behavior of long-range Hamiltonians. Int. Jour. Mod. Phys.
B 21, 4000 (2007).
11. F. Baldovin and E. Orlandini, Incomplete equilibrium in long-range interacting sys-
tems, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 100601 (2006).
12. F. Baldovin and E. Orlandini, Hamiltonian dynamics reveals the existence of quasi-
stationary states for long-range systems in contact with a reservoir, Phys. Rev. Lett.
96, 240602 (2006).
13. F. Baldovin, Routes to chaos, universality and glass formation, Physica A 372, 224
15. F. Baldovin and A. Robledo, Parallels between the dynamics at the noise-perturbed
onset of chaos in logistic maps and the dynamics of glass formation, Phys. Rev. E
72, 066213 (2005).
16. G. Casati, C. Tsallis and F. Baldovin, Linear instability and statistical laws of physics,
Europhys. Lett. 72, 355 (2005).
20. F. Baldovin and A. Robledo, Nonextensive Pesin identity. Exact renormalization
group analytical results for the dynamics at the edge of chaos of the logistic map,
Phys. Rev. E 69, 045202(R) (2004).
22. F. Baldovin, On time and ensemble averages in quasistationary state of low-dimensional
Hamiltonian maps, Physica A 342, 119 (2004).
26. F. Baldovin, Numerical analysis of conservative maps: a possible foundation of
nonextensive phenomena , in “Nonextensive Entropy - Interdisciplinary Applica-
tions”, eds. M. Gell-Mann and C. Tsallis (Oxford University Press, New York, 2003).
27. F. Baldovin and A. Robledo, Universal renormalization-group dynamics at the onset
of chaos in logistic maps and nonextensive statistical mechanics, Phys. Rev. E 66,
045104(R) (2002).
28. F. Baldovin and A. Robledo, Sensitivity to initial conditions at bifurcations in one-
dimensional nonlinear maps: Rigorous nonextensive solutions, Europhys. Lett. 60,
518 (2002).
Area di ricerca
Research lines
The research activities are in Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics, and
Complex Systems Physics. Within these fields, the following research lines have been
• Novel central limit theorems for strongly correlated variables.
• Novel stochastic processes, characterized by long-memory effects.
• Application of stochastic process to financial data time series analysis.
• Polymer dynamics, also in the presence of topological and geometrical constraints.
• Nonequilibrium states in long-range-interacting systems.
• Order-to-chaos transitions in low dimensional non-linear systems.
Tesi proposte
Supervisione di tesi: 3 tesi di dottorato; 11 tesi di laurea magistrale; 17 tesi di laurea triennale
* 2016 Imperial College London (ERASMUS project), Laurea Magistrale in Fisica,
Charles Jenkinson, {\it Dynamical Growth in a Network of Three Financial Assets}.
* 2016: Universit\`a di Padova, Laurea triennale in Fisica,
Andrea Della Vecchia,
{\it Conduzione e Moto Browniano}.
* 2015: Universit\`a di Padova, Laurea magistrale in Fisica,
Davide Col\`{i},
{\it Non-equilibrium transitions in a system of active particles with
long-range interactions}.
* 2015: Universit\`a di Padova, Laurea magistrale in Fisica,
Martina Foglino
{\it Single File Diffusion with localized partial traps}.
* 2015: Universit\`a di Padova, Laurea triennale in Fisica,
Alessio Lapolla,
{\it Symmetries in thermodynamics and the conundrum of negative temperature}.
* 2014: Universit\`a di Padova, Dottorato di Ricerca in Fisica ciclo XXVI (a.a. 2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2012-2013),
Emanuele Locatelli, {\it Dynamical and collective properties of active and passive particles in
Single File}.
* 2014: Universit\`a di Padova, Laurea triennale in Fisica,
Elena Saggioro,
{\it Ruolo delle simmetrie in Termodinamica}.
* 2013: Universit\`a di Padova, Laurea triennale in Fisica,
Leo Molinaro,
{\it Ripartizione dell'energia per un polimero fuori equilibrio
* 2013: Universit\`a di Padova, Laurea triennale in Fisica,
Martina Foglino,
{\it Role of short-range collisions and long-range interactions in the
collective motion of active particles
* 2012: Universit\`a di Padova, Laurea triennale in Fisica,
Stefano Spigler,
{\it Reti neurali
nella modellizzazione
dei sistemi sensoriali}.
* 2012: Universit\`a di Padova, Laurea magistrale in Fisica,
Francesco Rebellato {\it Processi stocastici fortemente correlati,
serie temporali finanziarie,
ed ottimizzazione funzionale}.
* 2012: Universit\`a di Padova, Laurea magistrale in Fisica,
Giovanni Brandani {\it Markovian theory of polymer translocation
with topological constraints}.
* 2012: Laurea magistrale in Fisica,
Gianmaria Falasco {\it Role of long-range interactions
in collective active motion}.
* 2012: Universit\`a di Padova, Laurea magistrale in Fisica,
Caterina De Bacco {\it Microscopic characterization
of active matter}.
* 2012: Laurea magistrale in Fisica,
Luca Pertile {\it Calibration of self-similar strongly correlated
stochastic processes on the basis of a single time
* 2012: Universit\`a di Padova, Dottorato di Ricerca in Fisica ciclo XXIV (a.a. 2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2010-2011),
Francesco Camana, {\it Modeling and simulating financial time series
over different time scales:
from Omori regimes to trading strategies}.
* 2011: Laurea magistrale in Fisica,
Guglielmo Saggiorato {\it Anomalous diffusion of constrained colloidal
particles: evidences for a Fractonal Brownian Motion description}.
* 2010: Universit\`a di Padova, Laurea triennale in Fisica,
Caterina De Bacco {\it Il moto Browniano polidisperso}.
* 2009: Universit\`a di Padova, Dottorato di Ricerca in Fisica ciclo XXI (a.a. 2005-2006, 2006-2007, 2007-2008),
Dario Bovina, {\it Scaling and modelization of financial time series}.
* 2009: Universit\`a di Padova, Laurea magistrale in Fisica,
Patrick Rebeschini,
{\it Self-similarity in financial modeling and the problem of derivative pricing}.