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  • presso Studio docente, via del Santo 33 1° piano.
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Going beyond relatedness: regional diversification trajectories and Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) in Italian regions, ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY, forthcoming (with S. Montresor).

Social capital, resilience, and regional diversification in Italy, INDUSTRIAL AND CORPORATE CHANGE, 2021, forthcoming (with Ron Boschma).

From FDI to economic complexity: a panel Granger causality analysis, STRUCTURAL CHANGE AND ECONOMIC DYNAMICS, vol. 56, 2021, forthcoming (with C. Franco)

The role of industry variety in the creation of innovative start-ups in Italy, SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMICS, 54, 561-573, 2020 (with F. Gambarotto).

Does energy price affect energy efficiency? Cross-country panel evidence, ENERGY POLICY, 129, 896-906, 2019 (with F. Fontini).

I luoghi fertili per l'innovazione. Uno studio sulla localizzazione delle start-up innovative in Italia (with F. Gambarotto), ECONOMIA E SOCIETA' REGIONALE, 36(3), 2018.

Governing offshoring in a stringent environmental policy setting: evidence from Made in Italy firm, JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, 155(2), 103-113, 2017 (with V. De Marchi and E. Di Maria).

Flexible pay systems and labour productivity: evidence from Emilia Romagna manufacturing firms, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANPOWER, 38(4), 1-20, 2017 (with D. Antonioli and P. Pini).

A rational explanation of the redistribution paradox. Theory and empirical evidence, SCOTTISH JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY, 63(5), 539-555, 2016 (with F. Farina and F. Fontini).

Education and training in a model of endogenous growth with creative wear and tear, ECONOMIA POLITICA - JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND INSTITUTIONAL ECONOMICS, 33(1), 35-62, 2016 (with A. Van Zon).

Urban size and KIBS vertical disintegration: the case of Milan, EUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES, 24(12), 2241-2256, 2016 (with G. Cainelli).

Local market size, social capital and outsourcing: evidence from Emilia Romagna, SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMICS, 47(1), 243-260, 2016 (with M.R. Ferrante and R. Leoncini).

From outsourcing to productivity, passing through training: microeconometric evidence from Italy. INDUSTRY AND INNOVATION, accepted for publication, 23(5), 407-425, 2016.

Inward greenfield FDI and innovation, ECONOMIA E POLITICA INDUSTRIALE - JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND BUSINESS ECONOMICS, 42(1), 93-116, 2015 (with R. Bronzini and G. Cainelli).

Banks, related variety and firms' investments, LETTERS IN SPATIAL AND RESOURCE SCIENCES, 8(1), 89-99, 2015 (with G. Cainelli, M. Ferrari and S. Tomasini).

Spatial agglomeration, production technology and the choice to make and/or buy. Empirical evidence from Emilia Romagna machine tool industry. REGIONAL STUDIES, 48(2), 284-300, 2014 (with M.R. Ferrante and R. Leoncini).

Area di ricerca

Gli interessi di ricerca principali vertono sui seguenti temi:

- economia regionale e urbana, geografia dell'innovazione
- economia internazionale: imprese multinazionali, investimenti diretti all'estero, catene globali del valore
- economia dell'innovazione e del cambiamento tecnologico: determinanti ed effetti
- economia ambientale