Servizio momentaneamente sospeso per manutenzione.
Ricercatrice Universitaria a tempo indeterminato
2010-present: Assistant Professor, Dipartimento di Geoscienze, Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy.
2009-2010 : Post-Doctoral Researcher, Dipartimento di Geoscienze, Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy.
2005-2007 : Teaching and Research Assistant (ATER), Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (ENS), France.
2004-2005 : Post-Doctoral Researcher (CNRS), Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (ENS), France.
2002-2004: Marie Curie Research Associate, Danish Lithosphere Centre (DLC), Copenhagen, Denmark.
1998-2002: Ph.D., Centre de Recherches Pétrographiques et Géochimiques (CRPG-CNRS), Vandoeuvre-Les-Nancy, France.
Orari di ricevimento
Il Mercoledi' dalle 16:00 alle 17:00
presso Dipartimento di Geoscienze
1. Marzoli, A. et al., 2019, The Central Atlantic magmatic province (CAMP) in Morocco, Journal of Petrology,
2. Visonà, D., Meyzen, C.M., Nimis, P. and Nestola, F., 2018, Fossil submarine hydrothermalism in metabasalts from the Gudon (Bressanone) amphibolite (Southalpine basement, Eastern Alps, NE Italy), European Journal of Mineralogy, doi:10.1127/ejm/2018/0030.
3. Meyzen, C.M., Marzoli, A., Bellieni. G. and Levresse, G., 2016, Magmatic activity on a motionless plate: the case of East Island, Crozet Archipelago (Indian Ocean), Journal of Petrology, v. 57, p. 1409-1436.
4. Meyzen, C.M., Massironi, M., Pozzobon. R. and Dal Zilio, L., 2015, Are plumes on motionless plates analogues to Martian plume feeding the giant shield volcanoes? In Volcanism and Tectonism Across the Inner Solar System (eds. Platz, T., Masseroni, M., Byrne, P.K. and Hiesinger, H.), Geological Society Special Publication, London (Lyell Collection), v. 401, p.107-126.
5. Callegaro, S., Marzoli, A., Bertrand, H., Chiaradia, M., Reisberg, L., Bellieni, G., Meyzen, C.M., Weems, R.E. and Merle, R., 2013, Upper and lower crust recycling in the source of CAMP basaltic dykes from Southeastern North America, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 376, p.186-199.
6. Mascuñano, E., Levresse, G., Cardellach, E., Tritlla, J., Corona-Esquivel, R. and Meyzen C.M., 2013, Post Laramide, Eocene magmatic activity in Sierra de Catorce, San Luis Potosí, México, Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas, v. 30, p. 299-311.
7. Sauter, D., Cannat, C., Meyzen, C.M., Bézos, A., Patriat, P., Humler, E. and Debayle, E., 2009, Propagation of a melting anomaly along the ultra-slow Southwest Indian Ridge between 46°E and 52°20’E: interaction with the Crozet hot-spot ?, Geophysical Journal International, v. 179, p. 687-699.
8. Cannat, C., Sauter, D., Bézos, A., Meyzen, C.M. and Humler, E., 2008, Spreading rate, spreading obliquity, and melt supply at the ultra-slow spreading Southwest Indian Ridge, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, v. 9, doi:10.1029/2007GC001676, 26 p.
9. Meyzen, C.M., Blichert-Toft, J., Ludden, J.N., Humler, E., Mével, C. and Albarède, F., 2007, Isotopic portrayal of the upper mantle flow field, Nature, v. 447, p. 1069-1074.
10. Meyzen, C.M., Ludden, J.N., Humler, E., Luais, B., Toplis, M.J., Mével, C. and Storey, M., 2005, New insights into the origin and distribution of the DUPAL isotope anomaly in the Indian Ocean mantle from MORB of the Southwest Indian Ridge, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, v. 6, doi 10.1029/2005GC000979, 36 p.
11. Baker, J.A., Peate, D., Waight T. and Meyzen, C.M., 2004, Pb isotopic analysis of standards using a 207Pb-204Pb double spike and thallium to correct for mass bias with a double focusing MC-ICP-MS, Chemical Geology, v. 211, p. 275-303.
12. Meyzen, C.M., Toplis, M.J., Humler, E., Ludden, J. N. and Mével, C., 2003, A discontinuity in mantle composition beneath the Southwest Indian Ridge, Nature, v. 421, p. 731-733.
13. Cannat, M., Briais, A., Deplus, C., Escartín, J., Georgen, J., Lin, J., Mercouriev, S., Meyzen, C.M., Muller, M., Pouliquen, G., Rabain, A., and Da Silva, P., 1999, Mid-Atlantic Ridge-Azores hotspot interactions: Along-axis migration of a hotspot-derived event of enhanced magmatism 10 to 4 Ma ago, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 173, p. 257-269.
Area di ricerca
L’attività di ricerca attuale è principalmente rivolta a: (i) allo studio dei processi della formazione della crosta e della litosfera oceanica nelle dorsali medio-oceaniche, (ii) allo studio dell’evoluzione e della dinamica del mantello terrestre, (iii) allo studio del vulcanismo delle isole oceaniche.
Tesi proposte
Gli argomenti di tesi proposti sono relativi: (i) allo studio dei processi della formazione della crosta e della litosfera oceanica nelle dorsali medio-oceaniche, (ii) allo studio dell’evoluzione e della dinamica del mantello terrestre, (iii) allo studio del vulcanismo delle isole oceaniche.