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Personale Strutture


Professore Ordinario





Andrea Caracausi is Professor of Economic History at the University of Padua and Head of the Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World (DiSSGeA).

He received a B.A. in History (University of Padua) and a Ph.d. in Economic and Social History (Bocconi University). He has been Adjunct Professor in “Business History” and “Economic History” at the Universities of Bocconi-Milan (2010), Trieste (2011-12), Venice-Ca’ Foscari (2011-12) and Verona (2013). Formerly he was Research Fellow at the Universities of Bocconi, Ca’ Foscari and Padua. He received fellowships and research grants from several institutions as the “Centro di Studi sui Lombardi, sul credito e sulla banca” (Asti), the “Gerda Henkel Foundation” (Düsseldorf), the Royal Society of Edinburgh (UK), and the Université Paris Est Marne La Vallée.

He has been member of collaborative international research projects and groups as the "Global Collaboratory in the History of Labour Relations, 1500-2000" (International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam: see; the ANR-Project “Les privilèges économiques en Europe, XVe-XIXe siècles: étude quantitative et comparative” (local group: EA 3350 Laboratoire Analyse comparée des pouvoirs, université de Paris-Est-Marne-la-Vallée); the ‘Consumption and Material Culture in Early Modern Europe’, coordinated by the University of Jena ( He has been local coordinator of the Firb - Futuro in Ricerca 2012 project 'Maritime Borders in the Mediterranean: how permeable are they? Exchange, Control and Deny of Access, 16th-21st century', awarded by the MIUR (2013-2016).

He is currently Principal Investigator of the Progetto di Ricerca di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN) “Work, workplaces and mobility in preindustrial Italy: a gender perspective” 2022BMSNA3 awarded by the Ministry of University and Research (2023-2025) and local coordinator of the project PRIN 2022 PNRR “Waste, Sustainability and Innovation in Renaissance Italy: the Case of the Textile Industry” (2023-2025).

He has been Director of the Center for Advanced Studies “Mobility & Humanities” (MoHu, 2019-2023) and President of the Italian Association for Labour History (SISLav, 2017-2019). Research includes topic like guilds, women's work, child labour and legal proceedings.

Main publications
• Andrea Caracausi, ‘Fashion, capitalism and ribbon-making in early modern Europe’. In: (edited by): Thomas Max Safley, Labor before the Industrial Revolution: Work, Technology and their Ecologies in an Age of Early Capitalism. p. 48-69, LONDON: Routledge, 2019, ISBN: 9780815369950
• Andrea Caracausi, ‘A reassessment of the role of guild courts in disputes over apprenticeship contracts: A case study from early modern Italy’. Continuity and Change (2017) 32(1), 85-114
• Andrea Caracausi, ‘Information asymmetries and craft guilds in pre-modern markets: evidence from Italian proto-industry’. The Economic History Review (2017), 70: 397–422.
• Andrea Caracausi, ‘Beaten Children and Women's Work in Early Modern Italy’, Past and Present (2014), 222 (1): 95-128
• ‘The Just Wage in Early Modern Italy. A Reflection on Zacchia’s De Salario seu Operariorum Mercede’. International Review of Social History, 56 (2011), S19: 107-124.


***Per informazioni o contatti***


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Orari di ricevimento

  • presso Dissgea - sede di Via del Vescovado 30 (studio di direzione)
    Il ricevimento è su appuntamento. Si prega di scrivere via email al docente.


See the full list here:

Area di ricerca

* Socio-economic Systems
* Micro-history
* Quantitative Methods and Social Network Analysis
* Italy and the Mediterranean
* Work and Capitalism

Tesi proposte

Tesi magistrali in Storia globale del lavoro:

* Conflitti di lavoro e dinamiche sociali
* Processi di mercificazione del lavoro
* Lavoro libero e non libero
* Genere e lavoro