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Personale Strutture


Professoressa Associata





2011 PhD in Statistics, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
2007 Master of Science in Epidemiology, University of Torino, Italy
2001 Degree in Mathematics, University of Piemonte Orientale, Italy

Academic Positions
2018-present Associate Professor of Medical Statistics, Unit of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Public Health, Department of Cardiac, Thoracic, Vascular Sciences and Public Health, University of Padova, Italy
2011-2018 Assistant Professor of Medical Statistics, University of Padova, Italy
2005-2008 Research Assistant, Department of Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology, University of Torino and C.P.O. Piemonte, Italy

Institutional Activities
2002-2010 Biostatistics advisor at the Clinical Epidemiology Unit of the S.G. Battista University Hospital of Torino, providing methodological support to research teams through collaboration in the design, conduct, and statistical analysis of clinical studies.

Teaching Activities
2022 Director of the Master di II livello in Principles and Practice of Biomedical Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis
2022 Deputy Director of the Master di II livello in Machine Learning for clinical and surgical research and practice, at the University of Padova (former Director 2016-2019)
2011-present Medical Statistics for undergraduate and postgraduate courses
2002-2010 Medical Statistics for Undergraduate Courses at the University of Torino (teaching assistant)

Research Interests
Application of modern state-of-the-art biostatistical methodology to experimental studies and observational studies, including large administrative databases in health services research. Comparison and critical evaluation through simulations and applications to real data of proposed biostatistical methods.

Funded by the Italian Ministry of Health:

2017-2018 Title: Measuring caloric intake at the population level. Duration: 14 months. Role: Principal investigator.
Funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (with peer review):

2012-2014 Bilateral Project "Grande Rilevanza" within the Executive Programme of Scientific and Technological Cooperation between the Italian Republic and the Republic of India (Ministry of Science & Technology) for the years 2012-2014. Title: Identifying causal pathways mediating obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and obesity. Duration: 3 years. Role: Principal Investigator.

Funded by the University of Padova:

2017-2018, 2020-2023 Ricerca Scientifica fondi DOR
2012-2015 Ricerca Scientifica fondi quota EX 60%
2013 Progetti di Ricerca di Ateneo – Bando 2013. Title: The role of comorbidity, disability, and polypharmacy in the care of patients with heart failure. Duration: 2 years. Role: Principal investigator.
2013 Assegni di ricerca junior – Bando 2013. Title: Elicitation of expert opinions for use in clinical trial designs. Duration: 1 year. Role: Principal investigator.


2023-present Senior expert within a Framework service contract (OJ/2022/SMS/24218) with the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) to provide "Biostatistics Services"
2022-present: Senior expert within a Framework service contract (OC/EFSA/MESE/2022/03 –CT02) with the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

Scientific Journal Peer-Reviewing

Author of 123 Scopus-indexed scientific publications (, Hirsch index: 29), attended several international congresses.