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Personale Strutture


Professore Ordinario





Andrea Vinelli, PhD in Science of Industrial Innovation from the University of Padova, since 2002 is Full Professor at the Department of Engineering & Management - DTG, where he teaches Smart Operations and Supply Chain Management, Operations and Supply Chain Strategy and Service Operations Management at the Engineering & Management Graduate School.

Rector's Delegate for Logistics and Classroom Utilization and Computerization for University of Padova.
Director of the MBA Programme at the CUOA Business School, Italy.

From 2015 to 2021 President of the Alumni Association of the University of Padova.
From 2015 to 2021Member of the Rector’s Commission for Ranking and Responsibility Report of the University of Padova.
From 2013 to 2019 Member of the Board of Directors of the Italian Association of Engineering & Management (AiIG).
From 2015 to 2017 President of the Italian Association of Engineering & Management (AiIG).
From 2013 to 2017 Member of the Board of Directors of Gradiente Sgr.
From 2004 to 2017 Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Operations and Production Management.
From 2008 to 2016 Dean of the Council of Engineering & Management at the University of Padova.
From 2013 to 2016 Member of the Board of the School of Engineering, University of Padova.
From 2009 to 2015 Member of the Advisory Board of the College of Business, University of Michigan, Dearborn, USA.
From 2013 to 2015 Rector's Delegate for the Relationship with Associazione Amici dell’Università di Padova.
From 2013 to 2015 Delegate of the Rector of the University of Padova for Placement.
From 2001 to 2007 Director of the PhD Programme in Management & Engineering of the Universities of Bologna, Padova, Parma and Udine, Italy.
From 1999 to 2006 Member of the Board of the European Operations Management Association (EurOMA).
In June 2003 he was the Co-Chairman of “One World? One view of the OM? The challenges of integrating research & practice” the first Joint EurOMA-POMS International Conference, Como, Italy.

His research and consulting interests lie in the areas of operations strategies, supply networks, supply chain management and digital operating models, with specific expertise in the fashion industry.

He is author or co-author of more than 200 publications in journals such as the MIT Sloan Management Review, International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Journal of Cleaner Production, Corporate Social Responsibility & Environmental Management, International Journal of Production Research, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Production Planning & Control, Technological Forecasting and Social Science, Operations Management Research, Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, Integrated Manufacturing Systems, International Journal of Logistics, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, Supply Chain Forum, International Journal of Innovation Management. In 2019, he co-authored the book "Gestione delle Operations e dei Processi" by N. Slack, A. Brandon-Jones, P. Danese, P. Romano, and A. Vinelli, Pearson Education.



Vendraminelli L., Macchion L., Nosella A., Vinelli A., Design thinking: strategy for digital transformation, Journal of Business Strategy, DOI 10.1108/JBS-01-2022-0009, 2022
Cavallin Toscani A., Macchion L., Stoppato A., Vinelli A., How to assess events’ environmental impacts: a uniform life cycle approach, Journal of Sustainable TourismVolume 30, Issue 1, Pages 240 - 257, 2022
Galeazzo A., Furlan A., Vinelli A., The role of employees' participation and managers' authority on continuous improvement and performance, International Journal of Operations
Macchion L, Moretto A., Caniato F., Danese P., Vinelli A.Static supply chain complexity and sustainability practices: A multitier examination, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental ManagementVolume 27, Issue 6, Pages 2679 - 2691November/December
Da Giau, A.; Foss, N. J.; Furlan, A.; Vinelli, A., Sustainable development and dynamic capabilities in the fashion industry: A multi-case study, CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY & ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, Vol 27, page 1509-1520, 2019.
Furlan, A, Vinelli, A, Unpacking the coexistence between improvement and innovation in world-class manufacturing: A dynamic capability approach, TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE, Vol. 133, pg 168-178, 2018.
Moretto A., Macchion L, Lion A, Caniato F., Danese P., Vinelli A., Designing a roadmap towards a sustainable supply chain: A focus on the fashion industry, JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, Vol.193, pg.169-184, 2018.
Macchion, L, Da Giau, A, Caniato, F, Caridi, M, Danese, P, Rinaldi, R, Vinelli, A, Strategic approaches to sustainability in fashion supply chain management, Production Planning and Control, Vol.29, Issue 1, 2 January 2018, Pages 9-28.
Macchion L, Fornasiero R, Vinelli A, Supply chain configurations: a model to evaluate performance in customized productions, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH, Vol.15, n.5, pg.1386-1399, 2017.
Macchion L, A. Moretto, F. Caniato, M. Caridi, P. Danese, A. Vinelli, Production and supply network strategies within the fashion industry, International Journal of Production Economics, 163,5864, pp. 173-188, 2014.
Su-Yol Lee, R. D. Klassen, A. Furlan, A. Vinelli, The green bullwhip effect: Transferring environmental requirements along a supply chain, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 156, pg 39-51, 2014.
A. Galeazzo, A. Furlan, A. Vinelli, Understanding environmental-operations integration: The case of pollution prevention projects, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol.153, pg. 149-160, 2014.
A. Galeazzo, A. Furlan, A. Vinelli, Lean and green in action: interdependencies and performance of pollution prevention projects, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 85, pg. 191-200, 2014.
A. Furlan, G. Dal Pont, A. Vinelli,On the complementarity between internal and external just-in-time bundles to build and sustain high-performance manufacturing, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 133, n.2, pg. 489-495, 2011.
G. Dal Pont, A. Furlan, A. Vinelli, Complementarity and Lean Manufacturing Bundles. An Empirical Analysis, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol. 31, n. 8,pg. 835-850, 2011.
A. Camuffo, P. Romano, A.Vinelli, Back to the future: Benetton transform its global network, MIT – Sloan Management Review – Fall 2001, Vol. 43, No. 1, pg 46-52.