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He obtained in 1993 the "laurea" (equivalente to a MSc) "cum laude" in General Physics in Padova, working on the astroparticle experiment CLUE, where he personally developed the remote sensoring used to produce and test the curved mirrors of the detectors.
He obtained the PhD in Physics in Padova dissertating the work "On-going studies of atmospheric showers by UV Cherenkov detectors and determination of the ratio pbar/p in the primary cosmic radiation" (1998).
In 1999 he was granted a fellowship by the University of Padova to work on the so-called "Moon shadow" a peculiar campaign aimed at determining the ratio pbar/p in cosmic rays.
Between 1999 and 2011 he was member of the MAGIC (Major Gamma-ray Imaging Cherenkov) Collaboration, whose aim was building and operating a 17 m Cherenkov telescope, then the largest ever conceived. He collaborated to the development of the first level of trigger, supervised the construction of the reflecting surface, coordinated the software group, the speakers' bureau and, for many years, the working group on Gamma Ray Bursts.
In 2002 he was employed as researcher by the INFN (National Institute for Nuclear Physics) in Padova and since 2005 he is staff researcher at the Physics Department of the University of Padova.
Since 2002 he is member of the LAT (Large Area Telescope) collaboration and leads the Padova team. The LAT is one of the two instruments on-board the Fermi satellite, NASA's highest profile mission in the research theme "Structure and Evolution of the Universe". In addition, since 2012 he is the co-coordinator of the working group on extragalactic sources for the entire LAT Collaboration.
He led two dedicated University projects: one, in 2000, meant for young scientist and devoted to GRB observations and in 2009-10 the project "High redshift sources and observational cosmology". He has a long term partnership with NVIDIA to speed up data reduction and analysis for astrophysics experiments, leveraging GPU's multicore architecture.
Since 2012 he is the PI of the CUDA Research Center of the University of Padova, one of the three parallel computing centres in the world devoted to the reduction and analysis of data collected by astrophysical experiments.
In June 2009 he joined CTA (Cherenkov Telescope Array), the next generation of ground-based gamma-ray detectors, where he is mostly following the development as a member of the Data Management group.
He is author of more than 250 papers and of more than 50 contributions (Published only excluding self cites: h=52 see
He tutored many classes of students in General Physics and attending the Physics Laboratory. Since 2005 he is titular of the course of Physics Laboratory (Optics/Electronics) for students attending Physics. In addition, he tutored more than twenty students during their final work in Physics, Astronomy or Computer Science degrees and supervised or is supervising 6 PhD students in Astroparticle Physics.
Tesi proposte
Triennali (BSc)
- Analysis of AGNs as seen by the Large Area Telescope on board the Fermi satellite
- BYOD e virtualizzazione dell'analisi dati - calcolo effemeridi e tabelle di osservazione delle sorgenti su dispositivi portatili
Magistrale (MS):
- The imprint of new Physics in AGN cutoffs - low redshift sources
- The imprint of new Physics in AGN cutoffs - medium and high redshift sources
- The Universe in gamma rays: the quest for new classes of gamma ray emitters
- Bridging the gap in gamma rays between space-borne and ground-based detectors
- The Universe in radio and gamma rays: a unified view of extragalactic sources