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Professore Ordinario

Radaelli Giuseppe Curriculum Vitae
Dipartimento di Biomedicina Comparata e Alimentazione
Agripolis, Viale dell’Università, 16
35020, Legnaro (PD)
Tel. -0498272593
Radaelli graduated summa cum laude from the University of Milan as a Doctor in Biological Sciences (Dottore in Scienze Biologiche) in 1988. In 1993 he obtained the Ph.D. title in Cellular and Molecular Biology from the University of Milan.
Current position(s)
From Year 2009 Full Professor of Veterinary Anatomy-Department of Comparative Biomedicine and Food Science, University of Padova, Italy
Supervision of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows
From 2006 today-4 Postdocs/5 PhD- University of Padova, Italy
Institutional responsibilities
From Year 2015 to 2018 - President of the School of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, University of Padova
From Year 2004 today-Member of Scientific Committee of PhD School in Veterinary Sciences From Year 2011 to 2016-Member of the Department VQR Commission
From 2019 today-Member of the Commission for the Supervision of Teaching Quality (CPQD)
Commissions of trust
From 2000 today -Reviewer for several scientific journals eg Histology and Histopatology, Cell and Tissue Research, General and Comparative Endocrinology, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Aquaculture, Aquaculture Research, Journal of Fish Biology, Annals of Anatomy, Journal of Morphology, Aquatic Toxicology.
Memberships of scientific societies
From Year 1994 today - Member of Italian Society of Veterinary Sciences (S.I.S.Vet.)
From Year 1996 today - Member of The Italian Association of the Veterinary Morphologists (AMV)
From Year 2005 today - Society Experimental Biology, UK (SEB)
From Year 2019 today - President of The Italian Association of the Veterinary Morphologists (AMV)
From Year 2019 today - Member of the Executive Commitee of the Italian Society of Veterinary Sciences (SISVet)
Research activity
The research team has long lasting experience in evaluating fish welfare in aquaculture systems by means of different stress and productive markers using morphological, physiological and biomolecular approaches. Research focused also on the effects of various pollutants or polluted areas on aquatic organism such as fish and molluscs. In fish, he studied also the growth of lateral muscle and the neuroendocrine system, with special reference to the gastrointestinal and reproductive organs.
- 2010-2012: Soy phytoestrogenic properties and their effects in vivo and in vitro. University of Padova, Italy. –Scientific Coordinator
- 2009-2010: Evaluation of tail biting in heavy pig as laid down in Decree-Law No 53, February 20, 2004. Veneto Region. Scientific Coordinator
- 2008-2010: Quality and animal welfare in sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) reared under organic and traditional aquaculture. - University of Padova, -Partecipant –
- 2005-2007: Alternative stress indicators in farmed fish - Italian Ministery of University and Research MIUR - Partecipant
- 2000-2002: Development of myostatin based methods for accelerating fish muscle growth – NATO (Collaborative Linkage Grant) – Scientific Coordinator
- 2019-today: Photocatalytic water remediation for sustainable fish farming. PRIMA (Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area) – Local Coordinator.
Orari di ricevimento
Il Lunedi' dalle 12:00 alle 13:00
presso stecca 3, primo piano
previo appuntamento via e.mail
Area di ricerca
L'attività di ricerca interessa lo studio dei:
1) fattori coinvolti nello sviluppo e nella crescita dei pesci d'interesse per l'acquacoltura;
2) parametri dello stress in animali di interesse veterinario
Tesi proposte
Per gli studenti di Medicina veterinaria vengono proposte tesi inerenti le seguenti tematiche di ricerca:
1) fattori coinvolti nello sviluppo e nella crescita dei pesci d'interesse per l'acquacoltura;
2) parametri dello stress in animali di interesse veterinario