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Professore Associato

I am staff researcher since 2012 and associate professor since 2017 at Padova University, where I regularly lecture for the Advanced Electronics Laboratory class for the master course in Physics. My research activities cover many fields within the framework of particle detectors electronics, scientific imaging systems development and radiation hardness of solid-state devices and systems. I am committed to the development of innovative pixel detectors and systems for particle tracking and the realization of tracking apparatus employed in high energy physics experiments, as well as in applied sciences.
I am convener of the Readout Electronics working group for the ALICE collaboration Inner Tracking System upgrade. My work on imaging systems includes the development of novel techniques for proton Computed Tomography and research in the field of Active Imaging systems, for which I have won an ERC Consolidator Grant funding a project for the realization of a ultra-fast innovative medical protons achromatic tracker and calorimeter (iMPACT).
I co-own a patent on innovative monolithic pixel sensor architectures. While at Berkeley Laboratory (2006 – 2010) I developed monolithic pixel detectors for the realization of ultra-low material budget, high resolution tracker aimed to instrument the ILC/CLIC future collider, and also developed sensor for the TEAM sub-angstrom electronic microscope.
I have long experience in radiation testing and assessment of integrated micro-electronic circuits, a field where I contributed realization of the IEEM nuclear microscope.
Latest grants
• In March 2017 I have been awarded a FARE research grant from the Italian Ministry for Research and education (Grant ID C93C15000010005), to further develop proton Computed Tomography.
• In April 2015 have been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant in Physical Sciences & Engineering (Grant ID649031), for the project iMPACT (innovative Medical Proton Achromatic Calorimeter and Tracker), which aims developing monolithic pixel sensors with advanced architectures to build proton-base CT systems.
• “Integrated sensor of ionizing radiation and ionizing particles”, BI2767M, deposited 27 Oct 2017, international patent pending.
• “Method and system for compressing a data array”, WO 2013/075728 A1, published 30 May 2013, co-owned with Dr. Walter Snoyes of CERN.
• Since 2018: external reviewer for the FET OPEN RIA projects.
• Since 2018: Project Associate at CERN for the ALICE experiment.
• Since 2017: panel vice-chair for the FET OPEN RIA call.
• Since 2014: convener of the ALICE collaboration ITS upgrade Readout Electronics.
• March 2016: awarded a CERN Scientific Associate within the ALICE experiment framework.
• Since 2015: national responsible for the INFN SEED project.
• from 2015 to 2016: local responsible for a Padova University Research Project Grant.
• From 2001 to 2014: member of the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC.
• From 2006 to 2012: member of the SOI pixel international collaboration.
Career positions
• Since 2017: assistant professor at University of Padova and Project.
• From 2012 to 2017: staff researcher and aggregate professor at University of Padova.
• Since 2012: associate to the Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare.
• From 2006 to 2010: post-doc at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, USA.
• During 2007: visiting scientist at the Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, CH.
Most significant recent publications
• “Monolithic pixels on moderate resistivity substrate and sparsifying readout Architecture”, Giubilato, P., et al., Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 2012. In Press.
• “Observation of a new boson at a mass of 125 GeV with the CMS experiment at the LHC”, Physics Letters B, Volume 716, Issue 1, 17 September 2012, Pages 30-61.
• “Radiation tolerance of a moderate resistivity substrate in a modern CMOS process”, Potenza, A., et al., Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2012.
• Patent “Method and system for compressing a data array”, Giubilato, P. and W. Snoeys, C31652PCT, CERN and University of. Padova, 2011.
• “First results in micro-mapping the sensitivity to SEE of an electronic device in a SOI technology at the LNL IEEM”, Mattiazzo, S., et al., Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2011. 658(1): p. 125-128.
• “Tests of monolithic pixel detectors in SOI technology with depleted substrate”, Giubilato, P., et al., Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2011. 650(1): p. 184-188.
• “A DAQ system for pixel detectors R&D”, M. Battaglia, D. Bisello, D. Contarato, P. Giubilato, D. Pantano, M. Tessaro, NIM A, Volume 611, 17 September 2009, Pages 105-110.
• “Cluster imaging with a direct detection CMOS pixel sensor in Transmission Electron Microscopy”, M. Battaglia, D. Contarato, P. Denes, P. Giubilato, NIM A, Volume 608, Issue 2, 11 September 2009, Pages 363-365.
• “Monolithic pixel sensors in deep-submicron SOI technology with analog and digital pixels”, M. Battaglia, D. Bisello, D. Contarato, P. Denes, P. Giubilato, L. Glesener, S. Mattiazzo, C. Vu, NIM A, Volume 604, Issues 1-2, 1 June 2009, Pages 380-384.
• “A rad-hard CMOS active pixel sensor for electron microscopy”, M. Battaglia, D. Contarato, P. Denes, D. Doering, P.Giubilato, T. Sung Kim, S. Mattiazzo, V. Radmilovic, S. Zalusky, NIM A, Volume 598, Issue 2, 11 January 2009, Pages 642-649.
• “Development of CMOS monolithic pixel sensors with in-pixel correlated double sampling and fast readout”, M. Battaglia, J.-M. Bussat, D. Contarato, P. Denes, P. Giubilato, L. E. Glesener, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 55:3746-3750, Nov 2008.
• “The CMS experiment at the CERN LHC”, by CMS Collaboration (R. Adolphi et al.). 2008. 361pp. Published in JINST 0803:S08004, 2008, JINST 3:S08004, 2008.
Area di ricerca
My current research activity covers the following major areas:
• Ideation, development and management of complex R&D efforts in the field of radiation detectors.
• Pixel detector devices and systems for imaging and particles tracking.
• ICs radiation hardness assessment for high energy physics, automotive and aerospace applications.
• High performance DAQ systems design and commissioning.
• Low level software and firmware languages (C, C++, VHDL, Verilog, LabView).
• Data management and presentation for scientific computing and applications.
Tesi proposte
1) Medical physics: implementation of a proton Computed Tomography scanner for 3D body imaging of patients undergoing cancer treatment. This thesis can be lead to different development paths, depending on the student needs/preferences: from the data analysis and reconstruction to the hardware implementation of the system.
Requirements are a good understanding of particle detectors, good knowledge of programming languages and, especially if interested to the hardware part, familiarity with basic analogue and digital electronics.
2) Particles detectors: within the ARCADIA collaboration we are developing extremely advanced pixel detectors, designed by our own team. The thesis work will consist in testing the prototypes, and participating to the design of the newer sensor versions.
Requirements are a good understanding of particle detectors, attitude toward programming languages, and the willingness to design and operate advanced lab setups for the measurements and characterisation of the devices.