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Chantal Saint-Blancat, is associate professor in Sociology and member of the FISPPA Department of the University of Padova (Italy).
She received her PhD in Sociology and Social Research at the University of Trento with a thesis entitled Nation and Religion among the Iranians in Italy.
Since 2000 to 2010 she has been Vice director of the PhD in Sociology: Intercultural Processes and Communication in the Public Space (Department of Sociology, Padua University).
She took part in two research projects commissioned by Veneto Region: one about the women migration in Veneto, in particular Moroccan women (“Non solo al seguito”, April 1997), the other on the muslim presence in Veneto: cultural and religious aspects (“Gli immigrati musulmani nel Veneto: dimensioni religiose e culturali”, September 1997). She has been Scientific Counsellor of the European research programme“ European Identity, Welfare State and Religions” (EIWSR DG XII) for the part “cultural Trends to-day”: Islam in France and Italy. She has been member of the European network on Islam, citizenship and the dynamics of European Integration (ICDEI).
She has been Scientific Counsellor of a Socrates program on "The intercultural Education: an European Working" (2002-2003). She took part (2001-2003) for Italy in the European network "Network on Comparative Research On Islam and Muslims in Europe (NOCRIME
She coordinated the Italian team research in the European network "Welfare and Religion in an European perspective (WREP 2003-2006). A Comparative Study of the Role of Churches as Welfare Providers within the Social Economy". Since February 2006 to 2009 she coordinated the Italian team research in the European network WAVE (VI Program, 2006-2009, n.028632): "Welfare and Values in Europe: Transitions related to Religion, Minorities and Gender".
She coordinated the local team of the national project "Young Immigrants Sons in Italy (MUIR 2006)with a research on Romanian and Moroccan youths social capital
She is member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the RASIC project "Religion among Scientists in International Context", Rice University 09-104 2012-2014 (Texas USA)
Her work deals with the socio-cultural changes among minority groups (national, ethnolinguistic and religious) and their social strategies. Since 1990 she specialized in the study of muslim communities in Europe: socio-religious and juridical aspects, cultural conflicts, models of integration, changes in gender identity and family structures, the building of a muslim diaspora.
She is member of the editorial board of Social Compass. She does referee contributions for the following Journals: Urban Studies, Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions,Social Compass, Etnografia .


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    presso Sociologia Via Cesarotti 10/12
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