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Studioso senior



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Orari di ricevimento

  • Il Venerdi' dalle 12:00 alle 13:00
    presso Clinica Medica 2, 8° piano Monoblocco, studio personale Prof. Prandoni


Principali pubblicazioni nel quadriennio 2009-13

1. KAKKAR VV, BALIBREA JL, MARTÍNEZ-GONZÁLEZ J, PRANDONI P. (2010). Extended prophylaxis with bemiparin for prevention of venous thromboembolism after abdominal or pelvic surgery for cancer: the CANBESURE randomized study. JOURNAL OF THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS, vol. 8; p. 1223-1229, ISSN: 1538-7933 - Articolo in rivista
2. DECOUSUS H, PRANDONI P., MISMETTI P, BAUERSACHS RM, BODA Z, BRENNER B, LAPORTE S, MATYAS L, MIDDELDORP S, SOKURENKO G, LEIZOROVICZ A (2010). Fondaparinux for the treatment of superficial-vein thrombosis in the legs. NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, vol. 363; p. 1222-1232, ISSN: 0028-4793 - Articolo in rivista
3. PRANDONI P., PRINS MH, LENSING AW, GHIRARDUZZI A, AGENO W, IMBERTI D, SCANNAPIECO G, AMBROSIO GB, PESAVENTO R, CUPPINI S, QUINTAVALLA R, AGNELLI G, SIMIONI P. (2009). Residual thrombosis on ultrasonography to guide the duration of anticoagulation in patients with deep venous thrombosis: a randomized trial. ANNALS OF INTERNAL MEDICINE, vol. 150; p. 577-585, ISSN: 0003-4819 - Articolo in rivista
4. PRANDONI P. (2009). Prophylaxis of catheter-related thrombosis in cancer patients. LANCET, vol. 373; p. 523-524, ISSN: 0140-6736 - Articolo in rivista
5. PRANDONI P., Noventa F, Quintavalla R, Bova C, Cosmi B, Siragusa S, Bucherini E, Astorri F, Cuppini S, Dalla Valle F, Lensing AW, Prins MH, Villalta S (2012). Thigh-length versus below-knee compression elastic stockings for prevention of the postthrombotic syndrome in patients with proximal-venous thrombosis: a randomized trial. BLOOD; p. 1561-1565, ISSN: 0006-4971 - Articolo in rivista
6. Becattini C, Agnelli G, Schenone A, Eichinger S, Bucherini E, Silingardi M, Bianchi M, Moia M, Ageno W, Vandelli MR, Grandone E, PRANDONI P. (2012). Aspirin for preventing the recurrence of venous thromboembolism. NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, vol. 366 (21); p. 1959-1967, ISSN: 0028-4793 - Articolo in rivista
7. V. PENGO, NOVENTA F, DENAS G, PENGO MF, GALLO U, GRION AM, ILICETO S, PRANDONI P. (2011). Long-term use of vitamin K antagonists and incidence of cancer: a population-based study. BLOOD, vol. 117; p. 1707-1709, ISSN: 0006-4971, doi: 10.1182/blood-2010-08-304758 - Articolo in rivista
8. Sørensen HT, Horvath-Puho E, Lash TL, Christiansen CF, Pesavento R, Pedersen L, Baron JA, PRANDONI P. (2011). Heart Disease May Be a Risk Factor for Pulmonary Embolism Without Peripheral Deep Venous Thrombosis. CIRCULATION, vol. 124; p. 1435-1441, ISSN: 0009-7322 - Articolo in rivista
9. PRANDONI P., Casiglia E, Tikhonoff V, Leizorovicz A, Decousus H. (2011). The risk of subsequent cancer and arterial cardiovascular events in patients with superficial vein thrombosis in the legs. BLOOD, vol. 118; p. 4719-4722, ISSN: 0006-4971 - Articolo in rivista
10. PRANDONI P. Peripherally inserted catheters: all that glitters is not gold. The lancet 2013 (in press)

Area di ricerca

Malattie tromboemboliche, con particolare riferimento alla fisiopatologia, diagnosi, prevenzione e cura della trombosi venosa profonda degli arti, dell'embolia polmonare e delle loro sequele.

Tesi proposte

Tesi cliniche originali ad impronta clinica su argomenti di prevenzione e cura delle malattie tromboemboliche venose.