Loans for merit
The University of Padua has signed an agreement with the bank Banca Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A, the saving bank Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo and the Association ‘Friends of the University of Padua’. The agreement is aimed at providing EU students with a flexible borrowing option at advantageous interest rates, to be granted with no need for collateral, in order to bear expenses for education.
The loan will be granted following checks on the eligibility criteria of the student asking for the financing and prior approval of the lender.
Key elements of the agreement
- Type of financing: opening of a credit facility
- Quarterly account maintenance fees: euro 0.00 (per quarter)
- Accounting entry fees: euro 0.00 (unlimited transactions)
- Deposit interest rate: 0.01%
- Lending rate: the rate is determined by the average of the prices of the nine-year IRS over the last ten working days of June of each year. The average is rounded down to 0.01 and increased by 1.50 percentage point. Exempted from commitment fee (C.D.F.) and from overdraft fee (C.I.V.); currently equal to 2.59%;
- Services provided free of charge: Intesa Online (phone, internet, mobile banking) and Carta Intesa (debit card)
- Late payment interest: annual late interest rate with no compound interest equal to the interest rate applied to the loan increased by 2 points percentage
- Fees on printing and delivery of account statement, transparency documents and accounting documents: euro 0.00
- Revenue stamp: pursuant to existing legislation
- Administration fees: exempted
- Account closing fees: euro 0.00
Repayment plans
When the credit facility expires, the borrower can pay the amount still due to the bank - capital, interest rates and costs - in instalments by benefiting from a loan. Such loan must be paid off in monthly instalments according to a repayment plan which will not exceed 96 months. The interest rate applied is fix and equal to the one applied at the opening of the credit facility.
The late payment interest rate is equal to the interest rate of the loan increased by two percentage points.
Such interest rate is annual and is not subject to compound interest.
Degree programmes eligible for financing
- Bachelor's degree programmes
Duration of the loan: 3 years
Amount of each tranche: 2,500 euros
Maximum no. of tranches (per semester): 6
Total amount of the loan: 15,000 euros - Single-cycle degree programmes
Duration of the loan: 5-6 years
Amount of each tranche: 2,500 euros
Maximum no. of tranches (per semester): 10-12
Total amount of the loan: 25,000-30,000 euros - Master's degree programmes
Duration of the loan: 2 years
Amount of each tranche: 2,500 euros
Maximum no. of tranches (per semester): 4
Total amount of the loan: 10,000 euros - Short specialisation degrees
Duration of the loan: 1-2 years
Amount of each tranche: 2,500 euros
Maximum no. of tranches (per semester): 2-4
Total amount of the loan: 5,000-10,000 euros - PhD programmes
Duration of the loan: 3 years
Amount of each tranche: 2,500 euros
Maximum no. of tranches (per semester): 6
Eligibility requirements
- Bachelor’s and Single-cycle degree programmes (for newly enrolled students):
having gained the upper secondary school certificate with final grade equal to or higher than 90/100. - Bachelor’s and Single-cycle degree programmes (for students enrolling in years subsequent to the first):
having gained 45 educational credits (cfu) in each academic year necessary for the normal completion of the degree programme. Examinations sat from 1st October to 30th September of each academic year will be considered.
(If the number of educational credits of the study plan is lower than the annual minimum of 45 educational credits, the admission requirement will be equal to the 75% of the maximum number of educational credits included in the study plan of the degree programme). - Master's degree programmes (for newly enrolled students):
having gained a degree with a degree classification equal to or higher than 105/100 - Master's degree programmes (students enrolling in the second year):
having gained 45 educational credits (cfu) in each academic year necessary for the normal completion of the degree programme. Examinations sat from 1st October to 30th September of each academic year will be considered.
(If the number of educational credits of the study plan is lower than the annual minimum of 45 educational credits, the admission requirement will be equal to the 75% of the maximum number of educational credits included in the study plan of the degree programme). - Short specialisation degrees and PhD programmes:
having gained a degree with a degree classification equal to or higher than 105/100. Finalising the admission to the programme at the University of Padua.
Requirements for keeping the credit facility open
Each annual instalment equal to 5,000 euros is granted in two tranches.
- The second tranche of the first instalment is granted at the end of the 1st academic semester or after 6 months having elapsed from the first tranche, of each academic year, following checks on the student’s career (active career or career closed due to qualification achievement).
- The first tranche of the second instalment is granted 12 months after the first instalment, following checks on the student’s merit: students must have gained 45 educational credits (CFU) per academic year.
Bachelor’s, Master's and Single-cycle degree programmes
For the 1st semester of each academic year: checks on the student’s career
For the 2nd semester of each academic year: the student must have gained 45 educational credits (CFU) per academic year
Short specialisation degrees and PhD programmes
For the 1st semester of each academic year: no requirements
For the 2nd semester of each academic year: checks on admission to the following year
To apply for the loan, please fill out the application form available at
Further information and terms of the contract are available at the same link.
Ufficio Servizi agli studenti
Via Portello, 19 - 35129 Padova
Tel. +39 049 8273131 (Call Centre)
Opening hours:
Mondays and Wednesdays 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Tuesdays 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. - 4.30 p.m.
Thursdays 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Fridays 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.