Entry procedures, visas and residence permits
International researchers need to go through a number of procedures that will differ according to:
- their nationality (European or non-European);
- the length of their stay (more or less than 90 days);
- the reason of their stay in Italy
All researchers are subject to Italian law regulating residence permits for foreign nationals.
- Stays under 90 days
- Stays over 90 days
- Renewing the residence permit
- Family reunification and cohesion
Applicants seeking entry visas for Specialization School Diploma, PhD, Masters degree and Postgraduate studies (with or without scholarship grants) do not fall within the scope of article 27-ter, Legislative Decree 286/98 (entry visa and residence permit for scientific research). Please check residence permit for study purposes for further information.
Tax code (codice fiscale)
The Italian tax code (codice fiscale) is an alphanumeric code which allows Italian authorities to identify any person. The tax code is essential if you need to sign a contract in Italy, to open a bank account, and to access many public services (including health services).
The official tax code is NOT needed at application stage. The online application system will automatically generate a tax code for all non-Italian citizens. The official code is however needed to enrol at the University of Padova.
The tax code is issued by the Italian Revenue Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate). You can apply for a tax code following one of the procedures detailed below:
- Apply directly at the Italian consular authorities in your country of residence (recommended). Visit the website of the Italian consulate/embassy in your country for further information
- For students: if you are admitted to one of our degree programme the Admissions and Welcome Unit will apply for a tax identification code on your behalf and will send you the certificate via email.
- For staff: contact the University/Department office of reference providing a copy of your passport. The Office will request a tax code on your behalf and forward it to you once ready. Please note that it may take several weeks.
SAOS - Servizio Accoglienza Ospiti Stranieri
Palazzo Bo, via VIII Febbraio 2, 35122 Padova
email: saos@unipd.it
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