Department of Biology
The scientific aims of the research carried out in the Department encompass most of the fields of modern biology at various levels of organisation, from molecules to organisms and ecosystems in a evolutionary perspective. Many model organisms are used in the research programmes, involving a wide range of microorganisms, invertebrates, insects and small vertebrates.
Experimental approaches make use of a rich collection of instruments and research facilities. Diversification in research is reflected in the variety of teaching courses organised by the Department: five 1st-level courses and seven 2nd-level courses in Biology, Molecular and Biomedical Biology, Biotechnology, Natural Sciences, and Marine and Evolutionary Biology. The Department is also responsible for the PhD School in Biosciences and Biotechnology.
Dipartimento di Biologia
Director: Luigi Bubacco
Via U. Bassi, 58/B - 35121 Padova
tel. +39 0498276178 - fax +39 0498072213
Marine Biology Building
Palazzo Grassi - Riva Canal Vena, 1281
30015 Chioggia (VE)