Veterinary Teaching Hospital
The University Veterinary Teaching Hospital, inaugurated in 2010, is a point of reference for the cure of diseases affecting pets and horses. It provides emergency first aid around the clock, as well as hospitalization, specialist consultancy in the various disciplines of veterinary medicine, intensive treatment and analytical laboratory services. Among the different services offered by departments linked to the hospital are autoptic examinations conducted using dedicated structures such as the necroscopy lab, cytology and histopathology. The structure has been approved by the European Association of Establishments of Veterinary Education (EAEVE).
On the research front, the staff of the Veterinary Hospital — which also includes veterinarians not employed by the university — operates in various sectors: from experimental radiology on skeletal adaptations in both land and marine mammals, to the recovery and study of wounded or beached wild animals, in cooperation with Forest Rangers and Port Authorities.
Ospedale Veterinario Universitario Didattico- OVUD
(Veterinary Teaching Hospital OVUD)
viale dell'Università 16, 35020 Legnaro (PD)
+39 049 827 2608
during clinic hours (8.30-18.00)
during evening/night (18.00-8.30) or public holidays
email: centro.ovud@unipd.it