Research and Technology Centres
The University of Padua collaborates with various national and international research institutions to cooperate in the development of knowledge and manage joint projects, as outlined in Article 2 of the Statute: "To better achieve its institutional goals, the University promotes research and service activities upon request and in collaboration with third parties, regulating their conduct, including with respect to the rights and duties of the departments and individuals involved."
Città della Speranza
Foundation supporting the oncohematology clinic of the University of Padua and promoting scientific research in the field.
National Research Council (Padua area)
Padua research area of the CNR (National Research Council). The Padua area includes numerous institutes.
INAF (Padua Observatory)
Padua Observatory
National Institute of Nuclear Physics (Padua section)
Padua section of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics. It focuses on research in the subnuclear, nuclear, and astroparticle fields.
INFN – National Laboratories of Legnaro (Padua)
Padua laboratories of INFN. The University of Padua collaborates in research activities.
Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie
Public health institution operating in animal health, food safety, and environmental protection.
Center for advanced research in the biomedical field. Founded by a private consortium, it involves the University and Hospital of Padua.
Consorzio RFX (RFX Consortium)
Interdisciplinary research centre involving industries and other bodies, which include the University of Padua, ENEA, CNR, National Institute of Nuclear Physics, and Acciaierie Venete steel producers.
Parco scientifico e tecnologico Galileo (Galileo Science and Technology Park)
A consortium of local agencies, Chambers of Commerce, Universities and other organizations providing companies with services typified by innovation, technological development and creativity.