Computer rooms
To access the computer rooms list below, please consult the Rules for the use of IT resources.
Agricultural Sciences
Ca' Gialla building, room 9
Prima Stecca, room 44
Pentagono building, rooms 20, 22 e 25
Campus di Agripolis – viale Università 16 - Legnaro
Computer room
via Ugo Bassi 1
At Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences - Building B
Via Marzolo 5
Omizzolo room, ground floor
via 8 febbraio 2
Teaching room Taliercio
via Venezia 13
Literature and Phylosophy
Multimedial rooms A1, A2, A, M, N, S
Palazzo Liviano - piazza Capianiato 7
Computer rooms AIS1, AIS2, AIS3.
piazza Capitaniato 3
Medicine and Surgery
Computer lab
via Giustiniani 2
c/o Complesso Vallisneri
Viale G.Colombo 3
Fiore di Botta
Via del Pescarotto, 8
Veterinary Medicine
c/o Campus di Agripolis
viale dell'Università 16 - Legnaro
Interdepartmental services for calculation and computerization
via Venezia 8
Education science
Computer room
via degli Obizzi 23
Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences
c/o Complesso Vallisneri
viale G. Colombo 3
Fiore di Botta
Via del Pescarotto, 8
Political science
LADINFO - Computer lab
via del Santo 28
Statistical sciences
c/o Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche
ASID - Aule e Servizi Informatici per la Didattica
via Cesare Battisti 241/243
Department of Geosciences
Computer room 2G
via Gradenigo 6
Department of Information Engineering
Rooms: Da, Ge, Se, Te, Ue
via Gradenigo 6/B
Department of Mathematics
Torre Archimede - Via Trieste, 63
Paolotti building
via Belzoni 7
Department of Developmental Psycology and Socialisation
Multifunctionl lab (first floor – room 14)
via Venezia 8
Department of General Psychology "V. Benussi"
via Venezia 8
Department of Chemical sciences
Computer room
via Marzolo 1
Department of Economics and Management "Marco Fanno"
Computer room
via del Santo 33
Department of Statistical sciences
ASID - Aule e Servizi Informatici per la Didattica
via Cesare Battisti 241/243
Department of Land, Environment, Agriculture and forestry
Computer room
Campus di Agripolis – viale Università 16 - Legnaro
Former Department of Archeology
Computer lab
via delle Ceramiche 28 - 35129 Ponte di Brenta
Former Department of Urban Architecture and Surveying
LIM - Laboratorio Informatizzato di Modellazione
LPV - Laboratorio di Prototipazione virtuale
via Marzolo 9
Former Department of Astronomy
Computer Lab, first floor
vicolo Osservatorio 3
Former Departent of Pharmacology and Anaesthesiology "E. Meneghetti"
Rooms A, B, C, J
Largo Meneghetti, 2
Former department of Physic "G.Galilei"
Computer room
via F. Marzolo, 8
Former Department of Geography "G. Morandini"
Wollemborg palace, second floor
via del Santo 26
Former Department of Electrical Engineering
Room: Ie
via Gradenigo 6/A
Former Department of Mathematical methods and models for applied sciences
Lab of scientific calculation
Torre Archimede - via Trieste 63
Former Department of Principles and plants of Chemical Engineering "I. Sorgato"
Calculation polo
via Marzolo 9
Former Department of Education Sciences
Audiovisual and Multimedia Lab
via Beato Pellegrino 28
Former Department of Pharmaceutical sciences
Building B, ground floor
via Marzolo 5
Former Department of Gynecological sciences and human reproduction
Computer room
via Giustiniani 3
Former Department of Sociology
Computer lab
via Cesarotti 12
Former Department of History of Visual Arts and Music
Audiovisual lab
piazza Capitaniato 7
Multimedia Lab
via Cesarotti 13
PINECA - Polo Informatico di Ingegneria Edile, Civile e per l'Ambiente e il Territorio
at Department of Construction and transport
via Marzolo 9/11
Centre of Mechanical
via Venezia 1