Benefits for working students

Call for student fees and exemptions AY 2024-25

  Studying while working

Students with an annual gross income of at least €3,500.00 earned in 2023 or 2024 from a permanent or temporary employment contract or other self-employed activities, and with an ISEE (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator) of up to €50,000, are eligible for a reduction of €400.00 on the comprehensive contribution, which is applied to the second and third installments. The reduction is granted for a number of years equal to the normal duration of the course of study, plus an additional three years, starting from the first year of enrollment.

The application for partial exemption is considered submitted by authorizing the acquisition of the ISEE and ticking the appropriate box to indicate one's status as a working student in the "Request for Benefits," available in one's reserved Uniweb area.

The application must be completed and confirmed by November 30, 2024.

  Part-time enrollment

Students who, due to work or family commitments, health reasons, or study reasons, believe they can only dedicate part of their time to studying can choose part-time enrollment.
This option binds them for two academic years during which no more than 72 credits can be earned. Part-time enrollment involves the payment of the regional fee for the right to study, the stamp duty, and 60% of the contribution fee paid by students enrolled in the same course full-time.
Requests can be submitted by students enrolled in certain bachelor's, master's, and single-cycle degree courses, listed at the bottom of the page, who meet one of the following conditions:

  • Being simultaneously engaged in full-time or part-time subordinate, self-employed, or professional work, public or private, for a period of no less than six months and ongoing at the time of the request;
  • Being students who are caregivers or engaged non-occasionally in the care and assistance of non-self-sufficient relatives due to age (children under 3 years) or health problems (parents, parents-in-law, cohabiting children, sisters, brothers, spouse);
  • Being affected by illnesses that, without affecting learning ability, physically prevent or advise against full-time commitment;
  • Being simultaneously enrolled in higher institutes of musical and choreographic studies or university-level study courses;
  • Being engaged in high-level competitive sports activities, national and international.

The duration of part-time studies is equal, at most, to twice the normal duration of the study course.

The option for part-time study is valid solely for university contribution purposes (it does not affect the attendance requirement governed by the educational regulations of individual study courses) and is incompatible with all other forms of partial exemption from contributions (excluding legal and merit exemptions) and with participation in the student collaboration competition (200 hours).

The application must be submitted by October 30, 2024, on Uniweb, under the "Initiatives" section

  Reductions for Part-time Students - Regulatory References

  1. D.M. 22 October 2004 n. 270
  2. DL 29 March 2012 n. 68
  3. D.G.R. 17 May 2016 n. 676
  4. Statuto di Ateneo (D.R. rep. n. 753/2021 of 25 February 2021): D.R. rep. n. 753/2021 del 25 February 2021)
    effective from 21-03-2021
  5. Regolamento delle Carriere degli studenti (D.R. 2125/2020 of 25 June 2020)
    effective from 01-10-2020

Student Services Office - Economic benefits

via del Portello 19, 35129 Padova
Call centre tel. 049.8273131 (from 09:00 AM to 17:00 PM)

The Student Services Office is open to the public every day during office hours.

Opening hours:

Mondays and Wednesdays 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Tuesdays 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. - 4.30 p.m.
Thursdays 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Fridays 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.