First cycle degree in

Herbal sciences and technologies

Class: L-29 - Pharmacy

y2024 WUR Subject Pharmacy and Pharmacology badge 100
Class L-29 - Pharmacy
Duration 3 years
Branch Padova
Language Italian
Tuition fees and scholarships
Programme coordinator RAFFAELLA FILIPPINI
Access Restricted

A course designed for those interested in the field of cultivation, collection, transformation, formulation, packaging and marketing of medicinal plants. You will be able to work as a technician for the protection of spontaneous medicinal plants and to control their collection and quality in public administrations, or as a professional in herbalists and pharmacies, in the production, wholesale and import companies of medicinal plants or in the pharmaceutical companies that produce phytotherapy , homeopathic products and food supplements. You will acquire basic knowledge of chemistry, biology, mathematics, physics and computer science, as well as professionalising knowledge related to the supply chain of medicinal plants and their derivatives.

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Characteristics and objectives
The degree course trains professionals with an adequate knowledge of cultural and scientific contents required by the professional class area L-29. A graduate student has a basic knowledge of chemistry, biology, mathematics, physics and computer science, which are all preparatory materials for curriculum subjects. The degree course aims to give to the student the knowledge of the supply chain leading to management, quality control and development of the production, processing, marketing of medicinal plants and their derivatives.

Occupational opportunities
formulation, quality control, packaging and marketing of medicinal plants with the aim of improving both the product and its use. He can work as technician for the protection of wild medicinal plants and check their collection in the administrations of the Region and the Province. His professional activity can take place: in herbalist's shop and pharmacies with herbal department, in the manufacturing, wholesale and import of medicinal plants, as well as in companies involved in plants extraction, transformation and control of raw plant materials; in pharmaceutical companies operating in the production of herbal remedies, homeopathic products and dietary supplements made from medicinal plants; in areas involving the promotion and advertising of products made from raw plant materials; further occupational areas include public and private organizations dealing with awareness on products based on raw plant materials.

From Bachelor's degree to Master's degree
This course belongs to a degree class that does not consider a direct continuation of studies with a master degree. However, it is possible that part of the acquired university credits will be recognized in order to enroll to years following the first in single-cycle master degree courses, such as Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical chemistry and technology (Industrial Pharmacy).