Address book
Professoressa Associata

Annalisa Volpato is Associate Professor of EU law at the University of Padova.
Dr. Volpato obtained a double PhD in EU law at Maastricht University and University of Padova, and an LLM in EU law at the College of Europe. Previously, she studied law at the Université de Louvain and at the University of Padova, where she graduated cum laude. She was also blue book trainee at the Legal Service of the European Commission and she qualified as a lawyer at the Venice bar in 2015. Until 2023, she worked at the Faculty of Law of Maastricht University first as Lecturer and then as tenured Assistant Professor. Later, she joined the University of Padova as tenured assistant professor in EU law.
Dr. Volpato's research interests concern the institutional and administrative aspects of EU law, the internal market and EU food law. In these areas, she has published articles in peer-reviewed journals (including Common Market Law Review, European Law Review, European Journal of Risk Regulation) and contributions in edited books. She is author of the book "Delegation of Powers in the EU Legal System" (Routledge, 2022) and of edited volumes. She presented her work in several international conferences and she held visiting positions at University of York, Universität Innsbruck and European University Institute. She is also member of the Editorial Board of the Review of European Administrative Law and of the Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law.
Office hours
Tuesday from 11:00 to 12:00
at Biblioteca di diritto internazionale - Via G. Anghinoni 3 Padova - 3° piano - stanza 021
Nell'orario indicato la docente è disponibile sia in presenza in ufficio sia in collegamento alla seguente riunione zoom: ID riunione: 868 1189 8633 Codice d’accesso: 901916 Durante le settimane di lezione del secondo semestre, il ricevimento è spostato al pomeriggio del martedì dalle 15.00 alle 16.00, solo online allo stesso link.
List of publications:
Research Area
European Union law
- delegation of powers (comitology, EU agencies)
- technical standardisation
- internal market
- EU food law