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Ricercatore a tempo det. art. 24 c. 3 lett. A L. 240/2010




Architect, PhD_ He obtained the title of PhD in October 2012 at the Doctoral School of Environmental Engineering - Architecture for the city and the territory (UniTN_2008-2012), developing a research in the ICAR / 14 - ICAR / 15 sector on architecture and on the infrastructure landscape.
He carries out research and teaching activities at the University of Padua with contracts, grants and research grants, participating in national and international academic research (MIUR PRIN, POR FSE, Partnership with several stakeholders) in the field of architectural, urban and landscape design, with a particular interest in the places compromised by a strong infrastructural presence. He works in the field of public and private spaces, urban equipment and landscape and infrastructures, addressing the theme at all project scales, experimenting and verifying theoretical experiences at an international level during numerous workshops, seminars and conferences.
Since 2019 he has been a member of the scientific committee of the UniverCity series - Il Poligrafo publishing house, Padua.
Since 2015 he has been a member of ReLOAD, Research Lab of ArchitectURban Design (until 2019, director: prof. Luigi Stendardo; from 2020, director prof. Michelangelo Savino) - University of Padua, ICEA Department) on the transformations of the contemporary city. He actively participates in the scientific production and in the organization and management of research projects (drafting, administration of resources, relations with academic and corporate partners) and in actions aimed at multiplying results and repercussions and at consolidating and extending the partnership network. .
He has carried out teaching activities in various Italian universities (among other IUAV Universities of Venice, University of Trento, University of Padua) and abroad (University of Huddersfield and University of Thessaly) in the field of Architectural and Urban Design and of the Landscape.
Since 2012 he has been teaching at the University of Padua in several courses, seminars, workshops and first and second level of masters.
He is a member of the examination commissions for the courses of Architectural and Urban Composition and Laboratory, Workshop of Architectural and Urban Design (University of Padua, 5th year of the single-cycle Master's Degree Course in Building Engineering and Architecture).
Since 2012 he has participated in the Integrated Degree Laboratory of the University of Padua, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, Degree Course in Building Engineering - Architecture. Since 2018 he is a junior member of ProArch - National Scientific Society of Architectural Design teachers - Icar 14-15-16.
Since 2006 he has been carrying out architectural and urban design activities in different forms, addressing different themes and project scales, both as a professional (until 2012) and in the form of university research, receiving respectively design and design consultancy assignments (including international) in individual and associated form, and by participating in research and design seminars, many of which by invitation.
Since 2018 he is a partner of IMPACT Srl, a spin-off of the University of Padua that develops public and private intervention strategies for the promotion of art and culture, the protection and enhancement of cultural and industrial heritage, the requalification and regeneration of the landscape and the territory.