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Ricercatore a tempo det. art. 24 c. 3 lett. B L. 240/2010





Sergio Rampino was born in Mesagne (Apulia, Italy) in 1984. He graduated with honors in Chemistry (2007) and Italian Language and Literature (2012) at the University of Perugia, where he also obtained his PhD in Chemistry (2011). After a postdoctoral experience in several Italian and European universities and research centres, from 2017 to 2022 he was appointed fixed-term assistant professor in physical chemistry at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa. Since 2023 he is a tenure-track assistant professor in the same area at the University of Padua. His research interests range from the quantum dynamics of astrochemical reactions to relativistic density-functional theory, the analysis of chemical bonding, the computational development of stochastic models for macromolecules in solution, and the integration of virtual-reality technology and artificial intelligence in chemistry. He is the author of an introductory textbook to theoretical and computational chemistry, Chemistry at the Frontier with Physics and Computer Science: Theory and Computation (Elsevier, 2022).


Office hours

  • Friday from 11:00 to 12:00
    at Dipartimento di Scienze Chimice, Via Marzolo 1, Studio 00215 02146
    Si richiede di concordare l'appuntamento via e-mail con anticipo di 24h.


Selected publications:

- Rampino S, Zerbetto M, Polimeno A, The roto-conformational diffusion tensor as a tool to interpret molecular flexibility, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25, 14822-14835 (2023)

- Nottoli G, Ballotta B, Rampino S, Local charge-displacement analysis: targeting local charge-flows in complex intermolecular interactions, The Journal of Chemical Physics 157, 084107, 13pp (2022)

- Martino M, Salvadori A, Lazzari F, Paoloni L, Nandi S, Mancini G, Barone V, Rampino S, Chemical promenades: exploring potential-energy surfaces with immersive virtual reality, Journal of Computational Chemistry 41, 1310-1323 (2020)

- Fusè M, Rimoldi I, Facchetti G, Rampino S, Barone V, Exploiting coordination geometry to selectively predict the σ-donor and π-acceptor abilities of ligands: a back-and-forth journey between electronic properties and spectroscopy, Chemical Communications 54, 2397-2400 (2018)

- Salvadori A, Fusè M, Mancini G, Rampino S, Barone V, Diving into chemical bonding: an immersive analysis of the electron charge rearrangement through virtual reality, Journal of Computational Chemistry 39, 2607-2617 (2018)

-Bistoni G, Rampino S, Scafuri N, Ciancaleoni G, Zuccaccia D, Belpassi L, Tarantelli F, How π back-donation quantitatively controls the CO stretching response in classical and non-classical metal carbonyl complexes, Chemical Science 7, 1174-1184 (2016)

- Rampino S, Configuration-space sampling in potential energy surface fitting: a space-reduced bond-order grid approach, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 120, 4683-4692 (2016)

- Rampino S, Belpassi L, Tarantelli F, Storchi L, Full parallel implementation of an all-electron four-component Dirac-Kohn-Sham program, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 10, 3766-3776 (2014)


- Rampino S, Chemistry at the Frontier with Physics and Computer Science: Theory and Computation, Elsevier (2022)

Research Area

Development of methods and tools for the computational modeling of the electronic structure and the nuclear dynamics of chemical systems of varying complexity, with a particular interest on the following topics:

1. Reaction dynamics and kinetics, from astrochemical elementary processes to condensed-phase reactions
2. Analysis of intermolecular interactions, with a focus on non-covalent interactions, coordination bonding, and adsorption processes on surfaces
3. Computational development of stochastic models for the dynamics of macromolecules in solution and the prediction of spectroscopic observables
4. Integration of artificial-intelligence and virtual-reality approaches in chemistry

Thesis proposals

Bachelor and Master thesis projects can be agreed on topics in line with the above-outlined research area. Please refer to the website for up-to-date proposals on specific themes.