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Professore Ordinario





Born 26/10/1957 Valdagno (VI), Italy

Position: Full professor, Department of Agronomy, Animal, Food, Natural resources and Environment, Viale dell'università 16, 35020, Legnaro (PD) (I).
Tel. 049/8272654, e-mail:

Teaching (present):
"Sustainable Livestock Systems"(in english), II cycle degree in "Sustainable Agriculture", Department of Agronomy, Food, Natural Resources, Animals and Environment - DAFNAE, University of Padova.
"Wildlife Conservation and Management" (in English), II cycle degree in "Forest Sciences", Department of Land Environment Agriculture and Forestry - TeSAF, University of Padova.
"Zootecnia e alpicoltura in zone montane" (in Italian), II cycle degree in Forest and Environment Sciences; Department of Land Environment Agriculture and Forestry - TeSAF, University of Padova.
“Sistemi agro-silvo-pastorali e servizi ecosistemici” (in Italian), II cycle degree in Forest and Environment Sciences; Department of Land Environment Agriculture and Forestry - TeSAF, University of Padova.
“Geoinformazione e tecnologie applicate allo studio del movimento animale” (in Italian). Advanced Master course in “GIS science e Sistemi a Pilotaggio Remoto per la gestione integrata del territorio e delle risorse naturali”. Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering - DICEA", University of Padova.

Prof Ramanzin started his research in animal production acquiring a solid background in animal digestion, nutrition and metabolism. He approached these topics using innovative analytical techniques, such as mass spectrometry and isotope ratios/dilution, and statistical approaches to model rumen metabolism and nutrient retention. He was then able to apply this expertise to study and model the possibilities of reducing nutrients/pollutants release by intensive production systems. More recently, his interest on the farming-environment interactions has focused on extensive farming, with the aims of understanding the role of modern and traditional farming systems on the maintenance of Alpine landscapes and biodiversity, and in general on the delivery of Ecosystem Services. During the last 20 years, he has been also involved in wildlife applied ecology and management, with particular focus on Alpine ungulates and their movement ecology.

Author or co-author of over 200 scientific papers, technical papers, books, or monographies (65 indexed in Scopus).
tot. Impact Factor (IF) 124 (average 2.48/paper, after 1997), (source WoS for the year of publication, year 2020 for papers 2021).
tot. 1094 citations (source Scopus), H-index 17 (source Scopus).

Scientific Societies and Research Consortia
Coordinator of the Study Commission “Livestock systems and ecosystem services”. Italian “Association for Science and Animal Production – ASPA”.
Member of “EURODEER” Collaborative project” (
Member of “EUROIBEX” Collaborative project” (
Member of the Alpine Ibex Specialist Group GSE-AIESG (2015- present).


Office hours

  • Tuesday from 10:00 to 12:00
    at ufficio del professore
    si prega di concordare previamente l'appuntamento col prof. Ramanzin via telefono o email, poichè l'imprevedibilità degli impegni istituzionali non consente di garantisce sempre la presenza nell'orario di ricevimento. Previo appuntamento, e compatibilmente con i suddetti impegni, il prof. Ramanzin riceve gli studenti dal lunedì al venerdì
