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Professore Ordinario





Full professor of Modern History in the Department of Historical, Geographical and Antiquity Sciences of the University of Padua; Coordinator of the doctorate course in Historical and Historical-Religious Studies of the University of Padua from the XXV to the XXIX cycle and now member of the teaching board of the Doctorate in Archaeological, Historical-Artistic and Historical Sciences of the University of Verona. He was the university manager for the training of secondary school teachers for teaching classes A12 and A22; he is a member of the scientific committee of the university project 'Teacher training' and director of the courses for the acquisition of 60 credits for teaching in classes A19 and A22.
Graduated with honors from the University of Venice in 1984, he obtained the title of PhD in Economic and Social History in 1991 (II cycle, Bocconi University of Milan). He was Researcher of Modern History from 1998 to 2001 and Associate Professor from 2001 to 2011 in the University of Padua. He was been part of research groups of significant national interest and of scientific committees for national and international initiatives. He teaches Modern History in the three-year degree course in History and History of the Republic of Venice in the master's degree course in Historical Sciences.
He was Commissioner and Secretary of the national scientific qualification commission for the competition sector 11/A2 - Modern History from 10/29/2018 to 07/31/2021.
He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the A-list magazine «Mediterranea - Ricerche Storiche», of the Board of Directors of the Inter-university Center for the History of Venice, based in Padua and of the Board of Directors of CISMEN (Inter-university Center for Maritime and Naval History), based in Genoa; he is also part of the scientific committee of the "Early Modern"-Unicopli series of Milan and "Quaderni-Mediterranea Ricerche Storiche" of Palermo; he is co-director of the “Maritime Historical Studies” series of the New Digital Press of Palermo. Founding member of SISEM (Italian Society of Historians of the Modern Age); elected to its Board for the four-year period 2008-2011.
Until 2015 he was an effective member and Coordinator for Macroarea 3 of the Commission appointed by the Academic Senate of the University of Padua for the preparation of the plan for the Master's degrees and for the study of problems relating to evaluation. In the three-year period 2013-15 he was representative of the School of Human, Social Sciences and Cultural Heritage within the university Presidium for the quality of teaching. For the two-year period 2004/2005 he was Secretary of the national commission for confirmation judgments in the role of University Researchers. He was part of the Commission for the area 11 panel in the work of classifying journals as part of the inter-university project 'Research Observatory', in collaboration with the Universities of Bologna, Milano Statale and Turin (year 2012/13).
On a scientific level he dedicated himself to the analysis of economic, social and labor structures, with reference to the 16th-19th centuries, with particular attention to the Republic of Venice.


Teacher's office hours (every Tuesday from 09:30 to 10:30): please send an email to arrange the meeting.
In the academic year 2024/2025 the teacher will be on study leave.

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Office hours

  • Tuesday from 9:30 to 10:30
    at DISSGeA - Via del Vescovado, 30 - Palazzo Luzzatto Dina
    Nell'a.a. 2024/2025 il docente sarà in congedo annuale per motivi di studio e quindi il ricevimento è sospeso dal primo ottobre 2024. Per casi eccezionali si prega di prendere appuntamento tramite email.
