UniRe - Training and information

i speak

The project follows continual training opportunities starting from the University's top figures (e.g. members of the Governance, Department Directors) reaching faculty members, students, and technical administrative staff throughout the two-year program.

Aimed at building an inclusive culture for the entire university community, the project engages in issues such as gender stereotypes, prejudices, politically correct language, and discriminatory behavior, as well as the relational dynamics between power and danger.

Additional information promotes the widespread knowledge of Discrimination, harassment, and gender-based violence: who to contact to protect those who suffer harassment, violence, or discrimination.


Ufficio Public Engagement

Area Comunicazione e Marketing

Palazzo Storione
Riviera Tito Livio 6, 35123 Padova
Tel. 049.8273423/3850
E-mail progetto.unire@unipd.it