How to apply for a patent

The T.T.O. manages the patent portfolio of the University of Padua. In particular the Office follows the procedures for the development, the administration and the protection of intellectual property arising from the University research, in accordance with the Patent Regulations.

The Office activities include:

  • Organisational support of the University Patents Commission
  • Consulting to University researchers in the negotiation of research contracts with businesses interested in the economic exploitation of their know-how
  • Relationships with patent agents who provide the University with technical advice and file patent applications on behalf of the University

Ufficio Terza Missione e Valorizzazione della ricerca (Third Mission and Research Valorization Office)

Settore Innovazione, trasferimento tecnologico e rapporti con le imprese  (Innovation, Technology Transfer and Business Relations Sector)

via Martiri della Libertà 8, 35137 Padova,
tel 049.8271846-1847-1848-1966
fax 049.8271937