Commissioning a research project and obtaining certifications
Many departments of the University undertake testing and research projects commissioned by outside clients, performing various procedures and charging fees according to the services requested.
Services typically include research, analysis, inspection, calibration, tests, experiments and measurements conducted on materials, appliances, products and structures of interest to the client. University departments are also able to offer consultancy services, as well as undertaking activities funded or co-funded by outside entities.
Activities for hire or reward are governed by special "Rules for activities undertaken by the University of Padova in fulfilling contracts or agreements with public or private parties". These rules also govern non-curricular educational activities, clinical activities in the veterinary field, and the sale or transfer of results from research programs.
Research and service activities are conducted under the terms of contracts or agreements concluded by the departments of the University of Padova, insofar as these are compatible with the performance of their primary educational and scientific function. Contracts must be accompanied by a statement identifying the scientific director or the operational coordinator of activities (who must be employees of the University), also a plan of the activities comprising the list of participants, and a funding schedule.