Accommodation places at the “Casa dell’Assistente Prof. Virgilio Ducceschi”
The University of Padua, within the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), Mission 4 – Component 1 – Reform 1.7 “Students’ housing and legislation reform on students’ housing”, funded by European Union NextGenerationEU, issues a call for the assignement of a total of no. 24 accommodation places at the “Casa dell’Assistente Prof. Virgilio Ducceschi” located in via Marzolo 14/16, Padua.
The offer consists of 10 single rooms with private bathroom and 7 double rooms with private bathroom, as well as a common kitchen. Two accommodation places are reserved for students with physical or sensory disabilities.
The assignement for the accommodation place is for one year, from November to October.
The call is open to those who applies for admission to a PhD course that has administrative headquarters at the University of Padua for the a.y. 2024/2025 with start date November 1, 2024.
Applications must be presented within the Call for PhD Courses. The deadline is set on May 13, 2024 at 13:00 (CEST). Instructions are avalable here.
Please note that the assignees must confirm acceptance of the place via email to phd.ducceschi@unipd.it by August 30, 2024. Following the confirmation of acceptance, the assignees will have to pay a deposit of 350 euros according to the instructions that will be communicated by the University. In the event of non-payment within the terms, the assignee will be considered to have renounced. Any additional places assigned following the winners' renunciation must be accepted within 5 days of the assignment notification, with the simultaneous payment of the deposit.
For information relating to the call, it is possible to contact the PhD Office of the University of Padua, phone: +39 049 827 1827, e-mail: phd.ducceschi@unipd.it