Welcome Desks
The University of Padova favours international mobility through a network of integrated services offered to teachers, researchers and PhDs coming from abroad. The aim is to encourage exchange of expertise, cultural and social enrichment, and above all create opportunities to compare notes on different methods of teaching and scientific research, collaborating with leading research groups in various sectors of science and learning, facilitating mobility of teachers and researchers in order to reap the benefits of sharing scientific and academic achievements while promoting the spread of Italian culture around the world.
Public Relations Office - URP
URP-Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico
Palazzo Bo - via VIII Febbraio, 2 - 35122 Padova
tel. +39 049 827 3338 - fax +39 0498273177
e-mail: urp@unipd.it
opening hours: Mon – Fri 09:00 – 12:30 and 14:30 - 17:30
Call Centre
Call Centre di Ateneo
Palazzo Storione
Riviera Tito Livio, 6 - 35123 Padova
tel.: +39 049 827 3131
e-mail: callcentre@unipd.it
Opening hours: Mondays to Fridays 9-17