U-Web portal to view CU certifications and pay slips
The U-Web portal offers viewing and downloading of CU certifications (CU) and pay slips. Simply visit the www.unipd.it/u-web page and click I miei documenti to view relative documents as early as 2014, all previous documents remain available on SIT.
The U-Web portal can be activated by the Single Sign On (SSO) UniPd credentials or through SPID and CIE identification for those who no longer have a valid @unipd.it account.
Once logged in, simply click I miei documenti to access filter options:
- year: select the reference year
- type of document: select CU, cedolini (pay slips) or tutti (all)
- status: for current published documents
To download a CU or a pay slip, simply click Apri (open) on the line corresponding to the document of interest.
For any issues or problems with the portal, assistance is available:
- for faculty and personnel helpdesk.asit@unipd.it
- for students callcentre@unipd.it
For any issues or questions about documents, please contact:
- fiscale@unipd.it - for CU certifications
- trattamenti.economici@unipd.it - for pay slips