Other opportunities in mobility
The University of Padua “promotes the furthering of culture founded on universal values such as human rights, peace, respect for the environment and international solidarity” (Article 1 of its Statutes, 1995). The international dimension of the University is not only witnessed by many spontaneous activities, such as the countless research cooperation projects individually promoted by teachers and researchers and the teaching now offered to as many as 1,500 regularly enrolled foreign students, but also by the existence of several bilateral agreements of ‘traditional’ type, extensive participation in European programmes for research and education, cooperation with developing countries, and – last, but not least – by committed participation in the project activities of the Coimbra Group (the network of historical European universities) as well as other excellence networks.
Programmes, calls, grants
Coimbra Group Scholarship Programme for short research stays in Europe
Programme is intended for young researchers and staff from universities in Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, and the European Neighbourhood.
Coimbra Group member universities are offering almost 90 scholarships for young professors and researchers that are both national and residents of Latin American, Sub-Saharan Africa or European neighbourhood countries.
With the aim to enable scholars to internationalise the research they perform at their home institution and help them establish academic and research contacts in Europe, the initiative supports short-term research visits to one of the 22 participating universities on the European Continent.
How to apply
Applications should be submitted online through the official Coimbra Group website. Please note that each regional scholarship programme has specific requirements and that a letter of acceptance must be provided by an academic supervisor at the host university. The deadline for submissions is Friday 5 April at midnight (Brussels time, UTC+01:00).
About the Coimbra Group Scholarship Programme
Since 1999 the Coimbra Group has offered young researchers from outside the EU the opportunity to carry out part of their research for a period of one to three months at a Coimbra Group University. While this scholarship programme was initially established to assist scholars from disadvantaged areas in Central and Eastern Europe, it was expanded several years ago and consolidated into a set of three programmes for young researchers from the European Neighbourhood, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Latin America. In 2023, Coimbra Group received another record number of applications, a success that will hopefully be repeated this year.
About the Coimbra Group
Founded in 1985 and formally constituted by Charter in 1987, the Coimbra Group is an association of long-established European comprehensive, multidisciplinary universities of high international standard committed to creating special academic and cultural ties in order to promote, for the benefits of its members, internationalisation, academic collaboration, excellence in learning and research, and service to society. It is also the purpose of the Group to influence European education and research policy and to develop best practice through the mutual exchange of experience.
Please visit www.coimbra-group.eu to learn more.
Contact: office@coimbra-group.eu
Coimbra Group - Be a Doc
A joint initiative between the Coimbra Group (CG), of which the University of Padova is a member, and the Coimbra Group of Brazilian Universities (CGBU), aimed at supporting the mobility of PhD students/researchers/professors among institutions of both networks. All opportunities available are described on the dedicated platform.
The programme is run by the University of Coimbra.
Erasmus Mundus Doctoral Programmes
As of 2014, Erasmus Mundus – Action 1 does no longer exist as such and there will not be future calls for application: Joint programmes at Doctoral level (former EM-Action 1 B) are now funded in the framework of the new EU programme for Research and Innovation – Horizon 2020 - Marie Skodowska-Curie Actions.
For further information: Joint Doctoral Degrees
ALGANT-DOC - Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory Joint Doctorate
The ALGANT-DOC doctoral programme, set up by the ALGANT consortium, is a collaborative scheme creating ideal conditions for the production of high-level research in pure mathematics, leading to a double and/or joint doctoral degree, prepared under joint supervision at a minimum of two partner institutions. The consortium is coordinated by Université Bordeaux 1 (France). The other partners are : Universiteit Leiden (The Netherlands), Université Paris-Sud - Paris 11 (France), Università di Milano (Italy), Concordia University (Canada), Chennai Mathematical Institute (India).
For information and application, please refer to: www.algant.eu
EXTATIC – Erasmus Mundus Extreme-Ultraviolet and X-Ray Technology and Training for International Cooperation
The purpose of this joint doctorate is to provide a new generation of graduate students with high-level training in Extreme-Ultraviolet (XUV) and X-ray science, together with all the scientific, technical and transferable skills necessary for thriving careers in a burgeoning area involving innovative technological development across a range of disciplines. The consortium is coordinated by Dublin City University (Ireland). The other partners are: Czech Techinical University in Prague (Czech Republic), Rwth Aachen University (Germany), University College Dublin (Ireland), Military University of Technology (Poland), King’s College London (United Kingdom), University of Southampton (United Kingdom).
Deadline: December 31th, 2015
For information and application, please refer to: www.extatic.eu
FUSION-DC - Eramsus Mundus International Doctoral College in Fusion Science and Engineering
FUSION-DC is a three-year joint doctoral programme in nuclear fusion science and engineering, offered by a consortium of 20 European partner institutions from 8 EU countries: 7 academic degree-awarding full partners, 2 research institute full partners, and 11 associated partners. FUSION-DC provides sustainable, integrated and coordinated training at doctoral level within the framework of a worldwide network of excellence in magnetic confinement fusion (MCF). The consortium is coordinated by University of Ghent (Belgium). The other partners are: Henri Poincarè University Nancy 1 (France), University of Stuttgart (Germany), Higher Technical Institute Lisbon (Portugal), Carlos III University of Madrid (Spain), Complutense University of Madrid (Spain), Irfm-cea Cadarache (France), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching and Greifswald (Germany).
FONASO - Forest and Nature for Society
In FONASO, the emphasis is on applied research. Doctoral candidates will therefore typically do fieldwork (in a wide sense) and are encouraged, starting already in the project formulation phase, to carry out fieldwork in connection with stays at Associate Partners, who may contribute with hosting and co-supervision functions. The consortium is coordinated by Københavns Universitet (Denmark). The other partners are: University of Wales (United Kingdom), Technische Universität Dresden (Germany), Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (Germany), AgroParisTech - École interne ENGREF (France), Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet (Sweden).
MCI - Mobility CONFAP Italy
The MCI – Mobility CONFAP Italy programme aims to support collaboration between CONFAP (National Council of Research Support Foundations) and the Italian Network (of which the University of Padova is a member) throughout mobility at Master (only for research periods), PhD and Post-Doc level in a variety of fields including humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and engineering.
Candidates must be resident in Brazil.
For further information about academic opportunities available at the University of Padova, please check the MCI platform
The Fulbright Program
The US - Italy Fulbright Commission assists prospective, future and present grantees by providing an information service for study and research opportunities in the United States and Italy.
Fulbright grants to Italy are awarded for teaching, to carry out a study or research project, to serve as expert consultants on curriculum, faculty development, institutional planning and related subjects at Italian universities. Grants are also awarded to assist English language teachers in Italian high schools.
Applicants should have sufficient proficiency in written and spoken Italian to carry out their project.
For any further information: http://www.fulbright.it/