Massive Open Online Courses
A Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is a free online course intended for a large number of participants, who could come from diverse cultural backgrounds and different geographical areas. While being university-level courses, MOOCs are deliberately aimed at reaching a wider and more widespread audience. They make use of different tools to get students engaged, such as video- lectures, interactive activities and social media.
Students can take courses from professors from all around the world, at their own pace and completely for free. With classes of virtually thousands of students, professors and teachers could improve their didactical approach using digital tools. MOOCs can bring higher education virtually to everyone and everywhere.
The University of Padua joins Eduopen, a multi-campus online platform, and Federica.EU, a Mooc platform of the University of Naples "Federico II": these platforms both offer free high quality courses and teaching activities at distance, open to everyone and ensure the acquisition of a certificate at the completion of the activities.
Unipd courses page on Federica.eu
In order to improve its presence at international level, the University of Padova has decided to join the MOOC world and to produce some courses held in English, as part of a new strategy on education and distance learning where innovative pedagogical techniques are needed.
The University has joined FutureLearn, the social learning platform of Open University, which offers free and paid online courses from top international Universities and institutions. With FutureLearn for Campus, the whole academic community can access FutureLearn's MOOCs or enjoy for free the upgraded versions of courses from institutions that have joined and obtain a certificate. Enter using your SSO account and start expanding your knowledge on FutureLearn.
For external participants, access to courses and related certification of attendance is chargeable.
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