Protection and guarantee bodies
Those who operate on behalf of the entire academic community by protecting rights and guaranteeing confidentiality in the event of reporting any act of or form of discriminatory or harassing behaviour.
CUG - The Guarantee Committee (Comitato Unico di Garanzia CUG)
CUG is the Guarantee Committee for equal opportunity, employee well-being and non-discrimination in the workplace. As a proactive organization, required by law, the committee acts as a consultative and verification body that 'guarantees' equal opportunity, employee well-being, and non-discrimination in the workplace.
For more nformation
Trusted Advisor (Consigliera di fiducia)
A trusted advisor is a figure provided for by the University Code of Conduct that guarantees all those who study and work at the University the right to be protected from any act or form of discriminatory behaviour, especially that of a sexual or morally harassing nature.
For more information
Ombudsman (Difensore civico)
An ombudsman is a public advocate that provides advice and assistance to University students. An ombudsman ensures the rights of students are upheld impartially, justly, and that administrative actions are addressed in a timely manner.
For more information
Code of conduct for prevention of sexual and moral harassment
Code of ethics